Health & Nutrition | Soul 7 | OMG how are your chakras?

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

There was a time in my life when I thought that people who spoke of “energies” and “chakras” were absolutely coo-coo banana crackers. I remember feeling uncomfortable when anyone around me talked about spirituality or connecting themselves to the earth. But, there’s also something that I was taught at a very a young age – if it makes you uncomfortable, pursue it, face it head on and then grow from the experience, whether good or bad.

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Health & Nutrition | Anthony Passero Salon | The Hair Whisperer

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

It’s been a while since I’ve had my hair styled professionally and let me tell you why. A) It can be a serious investment financially; B) I’m petrified of chemicals, especially near my brain (yes I’m crazy); and C) It takes time to build a solid relationship with a GOOD hair stylist and let’s be honest, I lack in the free-time department these days. Fortunately, some of us have options when it comes to going to a beauty salon. For example, some of you can venture to a beauty salon in Maidenhead and get yourself all dolled up, but I don’t really have the time to do that as much as I want to.

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Toronto | The #DoTheDaniel Top 6 #TIFF14 Restaurants

TIFF TIFF TIFF… are you getting as excited as I am?! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the #TIFF14 theme is growing with each new day. Alongside my feature posts (check some of them out here & here), I took a moment last night over dinner with Julio & Catherine to discuss the upcoming season. Being that we eat out a lot (both by professional necessity and because who doesn’t love to go to a restaurant for a beautiful meal?), Julio looked at me and told me I should make a TIFF inspired Restaurant Round-Up. Not just another pretty face my husband to be…..

So, we came up with my Top 6 Restaurants you MUST eat at during The Toronto International Film Festival ® both for the delicious food and the possibility of dining beside your favourite celebrity. Come see the #DoTheDaniel top 6 #TIFF14 Restaurants here! For anyone who own a restaurant business and does get inspired by some of the recommendations we have mentioned below, don’t take this as one business doing better than yours. There will always be competition in whatever industry you find yourself in, but it is up to you to make that change and strive for success. When it comes to improving their social media presence, I’ve heard a few people say, “Buzzoid is my favorite choice“, in relation to companies that help boost follow counts and likes on their accounts. This may be something worth looking into, especially if you are looking to step up your social media game for your business. Maybe taking inspiration from these restaurants could make all the difference when it comes to your future. Additionally, you may want to improve the service and hospitality of your restaurant by hiring someone from a reputable agency such as a hospitality headhunter, which can find hard-working employees to work for the restaurant. For instance, whether it’s managing a restaurant or keeping up the quality food, a good managerial staff could act as a stepping stone towards the success of your restaurant.
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Health & Nutrition | The Good Press | Açai Bowls in my FACE

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I LOVE JUICING, I love smoothies, I love anything and everything that contains a boatload of fresh, live enzymes and nutrients all packed into a tasty and convenient little package.  This is why I can’t wait to talk about the new kid on the block because they are bringing the words “juice bar” to a whole new level.

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