Travel & Lifestyle | If possible, PayPal just got even better for Canadians!

Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed how much easier it has become to get shopping done online or on my mobile device. With just a few clicks, I’m able to buy pretty much anything from clothing to movie tickets for a date night with Julio – and in many cases I do so using PayPal checkout! Starting today, we’re excited to be one of the first people to tell you that PayPal is launching ‘Return Shipping on Us’ which will give Canadians the security of knowing that if the item turns out to not be what you expected, you get to send it back free of charge by refunding return shipping costs on eligible online purchases within Canada and around the world.

On a regular basis, I use PayPal to shop online because it links directly to my American credit cards in Canada. I choose American credit cards as they have better rewards systems and that’s great when I’m ordering so much! Not to mention it’s also a great way for me to send and receive money to friends and family, all with just a few clicks. It’s one of the cheaper ways to transfer money overseas, when compared to going through the banks. But what about those items I buy that turn out to not be what I expected?

“PayPal now offers Return Shipping on Us in nearly 40 countries. In Canada, the service allows up to 10 refunds on eligible online purchases per calendar year. Canadian shoppers who are unsatisfied with their purchase and have opted-in to the service will now be able to request a refund on return shipping costs within two weeks of mailing the return.

Return Shipping on Us also benefits Canadians who shop from international websites that they might not be familiar with. PayPal’s Cross-Border Consumer Research 2015 revealed that 10.7 million Canadians engage in cross-border online shopping, with 38 per cent saying that if free return shipping was offered, they would be more likely to buy online from another country. A quarter of Canadians who shop from international websites, and nearly 40 per cent who do not shop cross-border, mentioned that return shipping costs are holding them back.”

Return Shipping on Us is available in Canada today – PayPal users need to register to take advantage of this amazing new program at


If you haven’t experienced the ease and convenience of PayPal yet, I encourage you to create a PayPal account and see what I mean for yourself. Knowing that not only is my checkout secure but that eligible purchases can now be sent back if it’s not to my standards is just another reason why PayPal is the best way for me to shop online. Let’s not forget that there is also an amazing app to keep all your purchases and payments organized. Ready to give the PaylPal App a try? Download your PayPal App here!

To get inspired by all the ways PayPal can help to make your life easier, make sure to follow @PayPalCA on Twitter and ‘Like’ their Facebook Page. Share with us your shopping experience and how they have helped your life. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

Photos: PayPal & PayPal Canada


Daniel Reyes