Family Lifestyle | #FallForWHEAT

So since now Lyric is in school every day… I get to dress him, EVERY DAY! hahaha! I know what you’re thinking… didn’t you dress him every day before? Well, yes.. but some of those days we were dressed in pajamas, that just happened to be worn to bed the night before. (no, we didn’t leave the house) You know you’ve been there. I’ve mentioned before how boy’s clothes have come a LONG way, and I absolutely LOVE shopping for and styling Lyric. I know there will come a day when he’ll want to pick his own clothes, and I’m almost certain it’ll be “comfy pants” (pants with elastic waists). ugh. But lucky for me, WHEAT has thought of everything! They’ve designed clothes that are both fashionable AND built for play!

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Family Lifestyle | TOMS

Lyric has now officially started full day school (insert LOTS of tears here), and while it’s been a HUGE transition, I think I’m finally starting to get into the swing of this new schedule! One of the things I learned during our intake interview was that Lyric would be changing his shoes about 8 times a day. EIGHT!?! And as we know, he doesn’t really like shoes, he’s a flip flop kid, so he doesn’t get a lot of practice putting shoes on. I immediately looked at his current shoe collection (remember that shopping problem from my previous post?), and got started on him taking them all on and off. Some were easier than others, and some were just not going to happen at all! One of the easiest pairs were TOMS!

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Family Lifestyle | Muffymade

One of the things I really love is having something that no one else does! Ever since I was little, I always loved having custom made (by my mom) clothes, one of a kind bags, or a unique piece of art. Now that I’m an adult, and a mom, I love it even more! I’ve always looked for pieces for Lyric that I know someone else won’t have. Whether it’s making curtains from sheets, custom blankets, or buying his clothes from independent sellers on etsy, I love knowing that he won’t match the crowd. He was definitely born to stand out! I came across muffymade, and instantly fell in love with the concept! Completely custom items!

Family Lifestyle | YTV Beach Bash!

When I think of the words “beach bash”, I think of an awesome summer party by the water with good music and great friends. Well, that’s exactly what YTV provided when they hosted their first YTV Beach Bash just a few weeks ago! Located at Canada’s Sugar Beach, an urban beach oasis at the foot of Jarvis Street on Toronto’s waterfront next to Corus Quay and the home of YTV, was the perfect place to gather for THE outdoor family concert of the season! Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | YTV Beach Bash!”