Have you ever met someone who’s go to excuse for things is that they don’t have the time? I know I am guilty of pulling that one on more than one occasion. While I have learned to slow down and enjoy things through the practice of active mindfulness, I am also someone who appreciates when things can be just a little bit easier on me too. Chances are, you’re probably like me. Especially when it comes to making healthier choices while doing it on a budget, I am so excited to share with you one brand that has completely revolutionized my morning routine for the better!

Premade and portioned out in a variety of flavours to meet your needs, Evive Smoothie essentially does the hard work for you. Simply pop the appropriate amount of frozen pods into your favourite liquid for a meal replacement or snack, give it a shake, and you’re ready to go. WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THIS?! I personally add some of my favourite Genuine Health Vegan Fermented Protein powder to the mix for added protein, but the pods themselves don’t need anything added to them if you don’t want.
That being said, these delicious assortment of flavours that you can keep stocked in the freezer at home aren’t only limited to morning smoothies. Foodies and fans of the brand like myself have gotten really ingenious with them in their homes and make me realize I need to order some more to try out these recipes for myself!

While I don’t always want to be the person to order things to my front door, this is definitely one brand that’s convenience helps make my mornings, my days and my life a lot easier. I love playing with combining certain flavours together for new combinations. Like Touk-Touk + Samourai which is my personal favourite combination in the mornings this week.
Not only do I love that the brand itself is gaining such incredible momentum and coverage online – I also love that they are helping to make healthier eating habits more accessible to Canadians. This is a great way to get the kids started on a morning routine to start their day off right, and it’s one of the ways that I know 2019 will always start on the right foot each morning for me.
I highly encourage you to head to the Evive Smoothie website to check out the brand for yourself and see how easy it is to add them to your busy life. And of course I encourage you to join in on the social media conversation with them to let us all know which flavour you love most! Follow
@EviveSmoothie and Twitter.
For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands we are working with around the world, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account. We would love to have you join on our adventures!
Photos: Evive Smoothie, Daniel Reyes & all Social Media accounts listed
Don’t forget to be kind & laugh a little more this year
Mobile photos were taken with my #HuaweiP20Pro on the Rogers network