This past year, I went through a number of changes, mentally, emotionally and physically. Last year I was under a lot of stress and during that time I didn’t take proper care of my mind or body. As a result I lost quite a bit of weight. After some self care and hard word, I was able to get it together and began to focus on taking care of me again.
In the beginning my weight loss was due to stress, but I quickly realized how important it was to take care of my temple and thankfully the rest of my transformation was a healthy one. Following some dietary changes which were best for me, I focused on living a healthy lifestyle which consisted of eating healthy balanced meals, morning yoga andand staying active through hiking and workouts at home.

It didn’t happen overnight, but gradually I began to notice many of the items in my closet no longer fit the way they once did. Items that once made me feel amazing now make me feel insecure. My weight hasn’t fluctuated too much in mylifetime, but when it does I have a tendency to purge anything and everything in my closet that doesn’t properly fit.
For as long as I remember I’ve hated “stuff” so if something no longer fit it was donated or disposed of. Looking back, I wish I had kept some of the items I had prior to decluttering, as my closet now consists of baggy oversized clothing that no longer fit and do nothing for me. It was time to curate a new wardrobe, but where to start?

My personal style has changed quite a bit since the last time I went on a shopping spree. In the past it was common for me to do hauls, sometimes purchasing items I wasn’t truly in love with but just wanted for the sake of having them as my own. This time around I’m focused on taking the time to curate a proper wardrobe, one that makes me look and feel amazing inside. I’ve slowly began rebuilding my wardrobe and let me tell you it’s been quite an exciting journey.
I recently had a sneak peek of the Joe Fresh Spring 2019 preview here in Toronto. Loblaws has always been my go to grocery store and although I make a trip there almost every day, I’ve never properly taken the time to look through their clothing section. I was pleasantly surprised with the variety and the quality of the pieces showcased. The preview featured a stunning collection of items, with a pieces that caught my eye including:

I tend to gravitate towards simple and timeless pieces so it’s almost as though Joe Fresh’s Spring collection was made just for me! There we a number of items that to suited my style perfectly.
Curating a new wardrobe doesn’t have to be complicated and if you’re struggling with where to begin Joe Fresh makes it super easy and is a great place to start. They offer number affordable fashionable pieces that are also great upgrades for a timeless wardrobe – not to mention their cozy holiday items in stores right now.
I’ll also have you know I did have an opportunity to check out my local Joe Fresh and found a few items I fell in love with including this super soft and comfy fuzzy sweater, I couldn’t stop hugging myself!

I’m excited to share more about my wardrobe journey, be sure to join me on my Instagram account.! Don’t forget to follow @JoeFresh on Instagram for more wardrobe inspiration.
Ash xo
Photos by Ashlyn Dawson, Joe Fresh, and all social media accounts listed above
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Mobile photos were taken with my #HuaweiP20Pro on the Rogers network