5 Get Better Quick Tips to feel better this winter!

Is there anything worse than being sick? Actually come to think of it, there is. Being ill in winter is definitely not ideal, especially when you have to battle cold weather conditions, as well as a cold home too. Just like with being ill, I couldn’t think of anything worse than living in a cold home, so all I can say is that it’s a good job that we have access to a furnace heating system to help ensure we can stay nice and toasty at all times. That reminds me. I need to schedule a tune-up with somewhere like summersphc.com/franklin/services/heating/furnace-tune-up/ to ensure that everything is working as it should at all times. This will help me greatly when I’m ill in the future, as I want to be able to relax and recover as quickly as possible, just like I was able to do last time.

Over the holidays I came down with a case of something nasty and quickly turned to Catherine (as a Holistic Nutritionist) to help get me better, and quick. If you’re like me, time is precious and ain’t nobody got time for that! So with Catherine’s help I am sharing 5 get better quick tips this winter to help you when you unavoidably get sick. Continue reading “5 Get Better Quick Tips to feel better this winter!”

Health & Nutrition | Whole Life Balance with IV Drip Therapy

I need to ask you a question: What is important to you when it comes to your health? For me, it’s all about balance. I know that can be such a loaded word, because as peaceful and zen as it sounds – it can actually be quite chaotic to achieve. So, when you finally find something that makes the goal of balance within your health a lot easier to acquire, you gravitate towards it wholeheartedly.

Continue reading “Health & Nutrition | Whole Life Balance with IV Drip Therapy”

A sit down with Dr Jessica Langer to talk about her viral positivism

Looking back on 2016, I think the common thread that I hear from friends and family around the world is that the year was a tough one. I can agree with that in some ways, but the way I see the world is also a little different. I could sit down and itemize the things that went wrong, or the hard times I faced, but what purpose would that serve? I like to believe that the lessons I had to learn the hard way have helped me to be a better man and business man. I was planning on writing an end of year post where I look back and thank those people, moments and events that challenged me and have in many ways humbled me. I recently watched an episode of Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown” where he visited Japan. One of his guests spoke about a local vegetable that only grows in the winter, under a fine layer snow. He said something along the lines that in life, it takes a certain amount of bitterness to appreciate the beautiful. That really stuck with me. But this post isn’t just about me and the lessons I have learnt. It is about Dr. Jessica Langer, and how with one small gesture of kindness, she helped to touch people around the world who needed some goodness in their lives. The beauty to balance the bitterness one might say.  Continue reading “A sit down with Dr Jessica Langer to talk about her viral positivism”

Making realistic resolutions & responsible choices

I’ll be honest with you and say that this year, I haven’t been as diligent as I should have been with my health. Like many Canadians, I made myself promises on January first and set goals for myself that may have been slightly too ambitious. As the year comes to an end I am finding myself making realistic resolutions that I will be able to accomplish. First of all, I won’t be so hard on myself for not meeting the previous year’s goals. There is no shame in admitting you couldn’t do something or simply didn’t get the time to.

Moving forward, I will make smarter, more responsible choices on a daily basis instead of trying to think of the entire year at once. And most importantly, I will provide myself the tools I need to achieve these goals. One of my resolutions is to improve my finances so I recently found the best canadian stock market app that will help me learn about investing. If your resolution is about learning a new skill then buy some basic tools to get started. The list goes on. Who said there was no such thing as New Years Gifts? Nobody, that’s who. I’ve got just the gifts you need to reset those goals with me and get back to a healthier you. Continue reading “Making realistic resolutions & responsible choices”