The World is Wide, Wonderful and Waiting

Travelling is one of my favourite things to do. When I don’t have a trip planned, I find myself daydreaming about far away places when I should be working. I come by my wanderlust honestly, as my grandmother loved nothing more in life (other than her family) then to travel. All we had to say was “I’d like to go to ____” and my grandmother would jump onto her computer, go to her favourites tab and pull up the site to look for flights. It was her go-to, hands-down.

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Let’s Celebrate People Going Outside

I feel like the word “adventure” should be my middle name. I know that sounds super cheesy, but I’m always up for a good expedition to the land of exploring something new about your surroundings and ultimately, about yourself. Over the years, I’ve really honed in on mastering the outdoors adventures, into nature. I have a feeling that one day, I’m just not gonna come back to the city at all.

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Here’s Why You’ve Just Gotta Visit Madeira

Recently, I travelled to The Azores on a life changing adventure, filled with amazing people, landscapes, food and activities. Well, while I was there, we took a quick flight over to Madeira for a couple of days to explore even more of Portugal’s stunning autonomous regions. Having only heard of this place before from some of my British friends and family, I quickly discovered why it’s such a popular spot to check out with over a million visitors annually.

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Something To Think About

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Lately I am coming to appreciate the simple things in life. Cuddling on the couch with my husband on a Sunday afternoon, in a pair of sweats, ordering a pizza and watching anime would be my version of heaven. While the world of social media can be deceptively driven by FOMO and Facetune, I am so proud of the fact that Catherine and I work tirelessly to encourage our staff to be real. Real isn’t always pretty, but it feels like we are reaching more and more people these days who turn to us because we aren’t the “standard” of picture perfect. When we are being authentic and transparent, it affords those who follow you the opportunity to do the same, and then we all feel a little less alone.  Continue reading “Something To Think About”