Health & Nutrition | Green & Black’s | Ew, I Don’t Like Chocolate… Said NO ONE EVER

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

Since I started writing for DoTheDaniel, I’ve longed for the day when I can write about my favourite thing on earth.  No it’s not Kale, or Chia Seeds, or Quinoa or Ian Somerhalder (although those are all pretty up there on the list).  It’s CHOCOLATE.  Don’t worry, they won’t revoke my “Holistic Nutritionist Membership Card”, it can still be healthy when done right!

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Health & Nutrition | The Good Press | Açai Bowls in my FACE

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I LOVE JUICING, I love smoothies, I love anything and everything that contains a boatload of fresh, live enzymes and nutrients all packed into a tasty and convenient little package.  This is why I can’t wait to talk about the new kid on the block because they are bringing the words “juice bar” to a whole new level.

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Health & Nutrition | The Innate Wellness Health Shop Saves the Day!

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet 

I want to take a second to bring you into my world.  As a Holistic Nutritionist, I always want what’s best for my clients.  When I recommend a protocol plan, product or a potential supplement to start incorporating into their diets, I’m not giving it to them or selling it directly.  I make my professional recommendation and then it’s up to them to source it, purchase it and then they are then responsible for making sure they follow the protocols I am providing to them.  They are the CEO of their own body.

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Lifestyle | His & Hers Pollogen Body Treatments

For those of you who are unaware, the way that I like to approach is always in an authentic manner in order to offer you our voices as they interact with the brands and topics we select to feature. Catherine & I are known to offer a vulnerability that some might consider quite raw, but it is in our belief that this same vulnerability is relatable for each and every one of you since it is genuine and true.  Recently, we both had the opportunity to try out the celebrity Pollogen Body Treatment and we are about to tell you in a very intimate his & hers post all about our experience. To avoid confusion, you will find my voice in italics to the right of the screen while Catherine’s will be in bold to the left. Our hope is that in baring all (quite literally) you can come to understand what the lifestyle of Pollogen Body & Face treatments in Canada in all about. Continue reading “Lifestyle | His & Hers Pollogen Body Treatments”