A new addition to my collection

For those of you who know me, you’ll have seen that over the years I’ve become a bit of a collector. As a child I was into Pokémon cards (I should probably find those again. Someone told me they’re worth something now…) As I grew up, I like to believe that my taste level grew up to. When I started to see the release of the #HennessyVerySpecial bottles from Hennessy Canada, I knew I had to have them. Unique pieces of art, in collaboration with unique artists from all walks of life. This year, the collection is centered around the one and only Jon One. I was lucky enough to get my hands on my latest addition to the collection from over the years, and wanted to share why you should as well.  Continue reading “A new addition to my collection”

In case you needed another reason to love W Hotels

As I prepare to head off on another adventure around the world, I am left looking back on the last year of travel. Whether it’s alongside Catherine and the DoTheDaniel.com team, or with Julio on a romantic getaway, we have had some pretty epic experiences. You’ll remember that we went to Montreal to visit W Montréal (click here to read all about it), so when we found out about a few new properties opening up in 2017 AND a special collaboration with the new W Hotels Global Fashion Innovator Joan Smalls, I wanted to take a minute to share the news with you first!  Continue reading “In case you needed another reason to love W Hotels”

Travel & Lifestyle | Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto & Maison Birks have us buzzing with excitement

The busiest time of year is about to settle upon the city of Toronto. The Toronto International Film Festival (also commonly referred to as TIFF) is coming, and this year marks its 40th anniversary. To celebrate, it seems like everyone is buzzing with excitement and Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto is no exception. In collaboration with Maison Birks & Montréal based Alvéole, they are happy to announce the Bee Wall installation on the third floor Garden Terrace. Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto & Maison Birks have us buzzing with excitement”

Travel & Lifestyle | H&M & Katy Perry are ready for the Holidays!

Let’s be honest. Christmas is right around the corner and for those of you who follow us on social media (@DoTheDaniel if you haven’t yet), you’re going to start seeing a LOT of Holiday previews. Our friends at H&M just told us that Katy Perry will be the face of their upcoming #HappyandMerry Holiday 2015 Campaign and we couldn’t be more excited! Katy’s energy, music and personality all embody the liveliness of H&M, and I’m sure they’ve got some exciting things in store for us this holiday season. Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | H&M & Katy Perry are ready for the Holidays!”