My Happiest Holiday Memories Might Surprise You

There are fews things that I love more than memories. I’m a hopeless romantic and a sentimentalist. I associate items, songs and places with people. It’s something I have always done and love about myself. I can look at a napkin I kept from a restaurant that I keep in a memory box and remember how it felt to enjoy a meal with someone and the moment I realized I loved them. It seems silly, but that’s just how I see the world – full of beautiful moments that I carry with me. The holidays are a special time for me and while we get excited for the season ahead, and attend some pretty spectacular events around the world, I wanted to take a moment to share why some of my happiest holiday memories might in fact surprise you. It’s not the tree or the onesies (though both important of course) but rather the simple moments with those I love that help to remind me of what is important.  Continue reading “My Happiest Holiday Memories Might Surprise You”

Kick Starting The Holiday Season

We are well into the month of November, and I am wondering how are you handling the last stretch of 2018? I for one couldn’t be more excited, as the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. With everything from visiting friends and family, to giving to the community with my new volunteer positions I have taken on, I look forward to the season and all the wonderful experiences it entails. Recently I had the pleasure of joining Hudson’s Bay, and the third annual holiday window reveal. This unveiling has quickly become one of my favourite events of the year and always puts me in the holiday spirit. Did I also mention I got to meet pop music royalty?  Continue reading “Kick Starting The Holiday Season”

A Tradition Worth Smiling About

Now that the holiday season is right around the corner, many of you are probably noticing that your favourite stores and coffee shops are switching over their displays and putting out gift ideas to get us all into the holiday spirit. I personally love this time of year as the world around me gets excited for the season ahead and I start to collect and purchase items for those I love. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am a really good gift giver and usually have something planned that is incredibly thoughtful or that someone in my life mentioned months ago and I made note of. So not only did I want to tell you about an item I buy every year for friends and family, but it is also something that I love collecting for myself too!  Continue reading “A Tradition Worth Smiling About”

Don’t Take Anything For Granted

It’s November 1st and a new month has just begun. With so much newness happiness for us at the blog this year, I love the beginning of a new month because it always give me a boost of energy to be better. Today also marks the beginning of Movember which, as many of you will know, aims to raise awareness and funds to help stop men dying from preventable causes with medical screening and providing them with the resources they need for their mental health. My friends, it’s time I told you about my prostate cancer scare and how this year I want to get back to giving back in partnership with L’Oreal Men Expert via their Barberclub range.

Continue reading “Don’t Take Anything For Granted”