Doing Things A Little Differently This Year

Like the rest of the world, I find myself longing for moments that make me happy while I stay home and physically distance. 2020 has proven to be a year of much needed change, challenge and choice. So amid all of this and finding little things to make my life more beautiful, I wanted to share about one of my favourite times of year and why this year, we will be doing things a little differently for it.

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Who Wants to Win a Diner en Blanc Toronto Experience?

There are a handful of events that I will never miss every year. Diner en Blanc Toronto is one of them – since being introduced to the concept years ago, every summer I get excited as I plan an all white outfit and get ready to find out where the top secret location is hours before it begins. For those of you who have never had a chance to attend, or just don’t know what it’s all about, I am excited to announce that we have partnered with #DEBTO2018 this year to give two people a priceless experience they will never forget to an event that is nearly impossible to get tickets to!  Continue reading “Who Wants to Win a Diner en Blanc Toronto Experience?”

It’s time to celebrate in Toronto

I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this year is FLYING by! But that means that it is time to start getting excited for one of my absolute favourite events of the year. Yes, that’s right! Toronto will celebrate its sixth Le Dîner en Blanc on Thursday, August 17th, 2017 and we could not be more excited! From spectacular food, to planning the perfect white outfit, this year is set to be the biggest yet, and we are sharing all the reasons why.  Continue reading “It’s time to celebrate in Toronto”

Events | Attending my first ever Diner en Blanc

I have always been the kind of person that is hard to surprise. I think I get it from my mom – we are both very good at knowing what is going to happen before it happens. When I was introduced to the concept of Diner en Blanc, I was intrigued to say the least. Started nearly 30 years ago in Paris, the concept is that you purchase tickets to a gathering of food lovers who all wear white. The twist? You don’t know where the event will be until the day of the event. Come and see why this year I am attending my first, but certainly not my last, Diner en Blanc in Toronto alongside Julio and Catherine!  Continue reading “Events | Attending my first ever Diner en Blanc”