Siempre Hay Tiempo Para Escapar en Una Taza de Café

Me causa mucha risa cuando la gente piensa que vivo de vacaciones… ¡ojalá así fuera! Entiendo que puedan tener esa impresión errónea de mi, pues mientras mucha gente trabaja para poder vacacionar en la playa, yo estoy tan cerca que puedo disfrutar del mar, del sol radiante y el clima perfecto casi cualquier día de la semana, sin importar si son vacaciones o no; pero aunque me encantaría, la realidad es otra. Si bien vivir en un destino de playa ha contribuido a que mi estado físico y mi salud mental, sean mucho mejores respecto a los que tenía cuando aún vivía en la hermosa pero caótica Cd. de México y soy muy feliz en Playa del Carmen, ¡No todo es color de rosa en el paraíso!

Continue reading “Siempre Hay Tiempo Para Escapar en Una Taza de Café”

2018 Car #Goals

It’s a gloomy Sunday in Toronto and I am sitting at the office catching up on emails. Many of you will be hibernating from the unexpected snow that seems to be relentlessly coming back to haunt us. But, one of these days, the spring will be here. The sun will be back. And for me, roadtrip season will begin. I’ll be honest, I miss having a car. The more family focused I become, the more I realize that I’m going to need to invest in a car that suits me and my lifestyle. And recently I think I was introduced to the one I want to buy as we work towards our city life and it’s evolution continues. Plus, something tells me that Catherine and Julio wouldn’t mind a ride to the office every now and again during rush hour…. Continue reading “2018 Car #Goals”

Make It A #MoetMoment

With Catherine in Portugal, the #DTDteam around the world busier than ever, I am coming to realize that I love to be busy. I thrive in a loaded schedule with lots to juggle. But, let’s be honest, it’s also important to take time to unwind as well. To take a moment to enjoy the company of others, or even just have some much needed alone time. I haven’t taken a bath in MONTHS and I’m dying to… A glass of Moet, some music playing, and lots of bubbles. That sounds like heaven right about now.

Recently we had the pleasure of attending the launch party of  Moet Chandon Nectar Impérial Rosé – and unlike other events, this one reminded me to put my phone down and enjoy a great conversation with several friends all night long.  Continue reading “Make It A #MoetMoment”