When Was The Last Time You Got Excited?

Let’s take a walk down memory lane for a moment, shall we?

I often think back to the days when buying a new mobile device meant an exciting change. There was so many brands and features to think of back then – I’m so old I had a flip phone, a slide phone, and remember the first iterations of a touch screen. All these years later, most phones are not something that get me excited. For a long time, it’s just been about a sleek design and a “cool factor” – so I got to wondering, when wat the last time I got excited about an upgrade….

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A Form of Self-Expression

Having not sat down to write a blog post in some time, I find myself feeling relieved at the chance to write and get back to something that feeds my soul in ways nothing else can.

Life got really busy this year, in a lot of different ways. Had you asked me a year ago where I thought I would be in life, it certainly wouldn’t be here. Not that this place in life – both physically and mentally – is bad, but it’s just not what I expected. I guess that is sort of a beautiful thought if you think about it. You’re never quite sure where life is going to take you, but as long as you continue to follow your heart and express what you want and deserve, it’s never going to be dull. Maybe that sentiment is what inspired this recent blog post. Let’s see if you agree.

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A Weekend in Chicago

Let me tell you, 2019 was quite the doozy. But I’d like to think that I made the most out of it for sure. Recently, I reconnected with my love of travel and music – and coincidentally, the convergence of the two together. I think that’s why festivals are always such a great time. When I initially heard about Riot Fest, I just knew that I had to go. And it was an added bonus that it was being held in Chicago, a city that was always on my bucket list, so it was a no-brainer. We packed our bags and off we went to the windy city!

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See you on The 19th

For those of you know live in Toronto, you’ll know that event season is about to kick off. 2018 is already buzzing with charity events and the who’s who of the city, but you know me… I want to go to events for things I enjoy and genuinely love supporting. It’s nice to play dress up for a fun night with friends and so I am excited to share the details of AGO Massive and why we will be there with proverbial bells on on April 19th!  Continue reading “See you on The 19th”