If I was to ask how were you doing right now, what would your answer be? For many of us, the default to answer “I’m good, thanks. And you?” or “I’m fine” without a second thought. But if I asked again, I wonder if your answer would be different. While I can’t speak for anyone else other than myself, I have to be honest that I am struggling a bit. The excitement of life is of course where my focus is these days, because your energy flows where your attention goes. But having lived in a scarcity mentality for so long, I’m having a hard time not stressing out about money and finances these days.
Continue reading “Scarcity Mentality And How To Overcome It”Let’s make 2025 the year we stop explaining ourselves
Over the course of the last few weeks, I have been quietly planning and getting to work. For those of you that are new here at the blog, hello and welcome. Without rehashing the past, 2024 was quite a transformative year in my life. Out of the proverbial ashes of it all, I promised myself to use the beginning of a new calendar year to focus my attention forward to the life I want for myself and to stop at nothing to make it happen.
Moving back to Toronto permanently as soon as I can afford it. Once settled, adopting another dog as a companion. Working on my spiritual & emotional well-being consistently. Preparing myself mentally for all the things that have to happen that I can’t stop. And most importantly of all, I promised myself that I would take my physical health much more seriously for myself.
Continue reading “Let’s make 2025 the year we stop explaining ourselves”Health & Nutrition | The Innate Wellness Health Shop Saves the Day!
Review by Catherine’s Cabinet
I want to take a second to bring you into my world. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I always want what’s best for my clients. When I recommend a protocol plan, product or a potential supplement to start incorporating into their diets, I’m not giving it to them or selling it directly. I make my professional recommendation and then it’s up to them to source it, purchase it and then they are then responsible for making sure they follow the protocols I am providing to them. They are the CEO of their own body.
Continue reading “Health & Nutrition | The Innate Wellness Health Shop Saves the Day!”
Lifestyle | In the Act of Letting Go
If you had asked me 2 years ago what my life would be like without him, I would have described a feeling of unbelievable agony and absolute gut-wrenching pain at even the thought of such a scenario.
Flash forward to now, almost 2 years later and I can’t think of anything better than my life without him. Losing him was the catalyst to finding me. It allowed me to learn my greatest lesson by far, in the act of letting go. Continue reading “Lifestyle | In the Act of Letting Go”