When Was The Last Time You Got Excited?

Let’s take a walk down memory lane for a moment, shall we?

I often think back to the days when buying a new mobile device meant an exciting change. There was so many brands and features to think of back then – I’m so old I had a flip phone, a slide phone, and remember the first iterations of a touch screen. All these years later, most phones are not something that get me excited. For a long time, it’s just been about a sleek design and a “cool factor” – so I got to wondering, when wat the last time I got excited about an upgrade….

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Hey Google, Help Me Keep Up With This To Do List

With 2020 flying by, and having been working from home like most of you have been, I find myself realizing that it may be time to update and upgrade some of the most used items in my day to day life. Clearly, out of habit I turned to google.com to myself “google” some options, all the while realizing I was proverbially staring the answer right in the face.

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