Vanilla Berry Oat Bars

A question I’m often asked is, “What healthy snacks can I make at home & carry with me when I’m on the run?” I love creating recipes – especially snacks since they’re the most popular. When I create recipes, I start with a flavour profile then I experiment with random, nutrient-dense ingredients until I come up with something that’s worth sharing. Other times I scout out recipes then modify them by omitting the unhealthy items and adding nutrient-rich ingredients to boost the nutritional value.

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Creating memorable morsels with Bonne Maman

For the past month my oven has been broken and it’s been hell trying to coordinate a time to meet with the repairman to get it fixed. My creativity for cooking meals that don’t require an oven is dwindling fast, especially now that cold weather is creeping in and my body craves warm food. So I was thrilled to receive an invite last week from Bonne Maman to attend a four-course meal prepared by chef Jon Svazas of Bar Laurel. The twist? He creatively incorporated jam into each of his dishes. Not only was I excited to check out Bar Laurel for the first time, this meant someone was going to cook for me, someone with access to an oven. #winning Continue reading “Creating memorable morsels with Bonne Maman”

Peanut Butter Coconut Bites

From the moment you wake up to when you finally go to bed at night, your day is most likely packed with obligations. Some days there’s barely any time to eat, let alone pack food before running out of the house. But what’s even worse is when you’re starving with fast food as you’re only option; most food from these places lack the nutrients your body needs to remain energized throughout the day.

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10 Ways to Manage Stress Naturally

Stress is an inevitable part of our life. We worry about everything, one stickler that often gets to people is bills! You can save yourself some woe by going to a switching site to find the best broadband so that you know you aren’t overpaying. Stress is often the result of pressure we place on ourselves or demands that are imposed by work, family and lifestyle. While it may be impossible to eliminate, we can learn to better manage stress on a daily basis naturally. No tranquilizers here!

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