Celebrate #NationalCocktailDay With My Favourite New Cocktail!

It’s no shock that when I can get creative with cocktail recipes, I will. But that being said I realize that many people might be intimidated by the idea of making themselves their favourite drink while they #StayHome. Thankfully my love of DISARONNO is back and better than ever – and this recipe is so easy, you’ll be shocked at how good it is!

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Getting My Home Winter Ready

I have this theory that there are 2 kinds of people this holiday season: those that love to go all out and entertain. Have lots of gatherings with loved ones, decorate your home with all things festive, and spend the time leading up to Christmas cooking and baking and spoiling those they love.

Then there’s the people that love the holidays as an excuse to unwind from all the socializing they do in their day to day and love the season as an excuse to have lots of festive candles lit and watch holiday movies amongst comfy blankets and pillows.

Basically the introverts versus the extroverts, and the older I get, I can safely say that there are times in my life where I am both. I love my job and the opportunity it gives me to travel the world and introduce you to amazing brands and people, but I also love some downtime with soft bedding and softer lighting.

Continue reading “Getting My Home Winter Ready”

Making a House a Home

You’ve come to know that Julio & I are moving slowly into our new home. This has been a dream of ours for so long now, and it is finally starting to come true. Though it has been very stressful, we wouldn’t change it for the world. You have to experience stress to get what you want in a home. We have been blessed to find a home that doesn’t need much work doing to it, but as always, there are a couple of things that we need to change to make it absolutely perfect. The garage is one of these things. Julio and I have wanted someplace to store our cars for so long and when we learned that this house has a garage, it felt almost too good to be true. It needs some renovations doing to it though, and we should start by getting in touch with somewhere similar to this Milwaukee Concrete Garage Slabs company who can install sufficient flooring to the space. We’ve heard that concrete is the best material to have for your garage floor so this is definitely something that we will be looking into. However, this is just one of many things that we need to think about.

So, along with the excitement, it’s also a time to start thinking about filling our new space with those coveted items I have always wanted, but never had the space for. I am someone who loves to be in the kitchen, so I thought it was the perfect time to share my kitchen wishlist. Not only will these items be on my letter to Santa, but will help me create amazing memories for our growing family. Continue reading “Making a House a Home”

Small changes to make a big impact

So it’s August and my head is spinning with everything we have going on. From festival season to expansions around the world, it’s important for me to remember to focus on my family and what we want. As I’m sure you’ve seen, Julio & I are currently on the hunt for a new home in Toronto. While we look at spaces around the city, I also need to make my moving to-do list. And yes, I’m already thinking about wall colours for possible nurseries! Thankfully this year we were introduced to Canadian made Premier paint Collection from Canadian Tire. Alongside the patio furniture we’ve already picked out (click here to read more!), it’s time to plan our next steps in the best way possible.  Continue reading “Small changes to make a big impact”