Food & Wine | Things are about to get hotter with BACARDI Fuego

Rum fans in Canada are about to feel the heat with the upcoming release of BACARDI’s latest product, BACARDI Fuego, hitting store shelves in May 2015. Targeted to those of us who like to live life on the wild side, the rum was actually created to be consumed as a shot. Add a few dashes of Tabasco, and you’ve got the hottest product to hit the Canadian market in a long time (pun intended). Continue reading “Food & Wine | Things are about to get hotter with BACARDI Fuego”

Events | Taste of Toronto makes its triumphant return

In case you haven’t noticed, event season has arrived in Canada (did it ever stop is the question…) and the team is busy keeping up with some of our favourites to bring to you. Though it might seem early, we are already thinking about those events coming to our respective cities well into the summer months.

For those of you who remember, last year I was introduced to Taste of Toronto. I fell in love with the concept of a food hub where some of the brightest and most talented chefs from Toronto gather together for a festival of food. I was even lucky enough to attend a special blogger safari to sample some of the participating restaurants. Unfortunately, this year my schedule doesn’t allow me to participate on the safari. Make sure to follow along with the #TasteSafari hashtag to see what some of my media colleagues are experiencing in anticipation for the big event in July! Continue reading “Events | Taste of Toronto makes its triumphant return”

Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions

I am a firm believer in supporting my colleagues in the industry who hustle and work to build their brand authentically. One of these brands that we love at is Coco & Cowe, as you would have recently seen on the site. This team of hard working individuals lead by our dear friend Catriona Smart is quickly showing the world that nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it! Continue reading “Food & Wine | Coco & Cowe are taking the world by storm with new expansions”

Events | Sweat for Motionball on April 25th

One of my favourite charities and events to support year after year is motionball. What many people don’t realize is that motionball is so much more than an amazing party that takes place anually. It’s a charity that works tirelessly to support The Special Olympics Canada Foundation. One such event that will be donating 100% of its proceeds is taking place this weekend here in Toronto. On April 25th, Sweat for Motionball will gather together young & old for a day full of fitness geared entertainment. It’s time to break a sweat with me and make a difference on a beautiful Saturday morning. Continue reading “Events | Sweat for Motionball on April 25th”