Food & Wine | Alamos Wines encourages you to #DareToPair

Last night in Toronto, I was invited to experience Alamos Wines with fellow media at Branca Restaurant (one of the newest hot spots in the city). The Argentinian wine maker brought us along on a journey and taught us about the life and vibrancy of their products.  To see the behind the scenes of what we thought, make sure to follow the #DaretoPairTO hashtag on social media. I was invited to try several of their wines alongside my own #DareToPair foods and I am so excited to not only tell you about the wine but also what to enjoy it with the next time you are looking for a food & wine adventure. Continue reading “Food & Wine | Alamos Wines encourages you to #DareToPair”

Food & Wine | It’s easier than ever to have your very own #TetleyTeaParty

I am a coffee fanatic. With a busy schedule and life, you wouldn’t want to see me at 5am without a big mug full of caffeine. That being said, I also really love a cup of tea. There is something soothing about it and heaven is a place on earth while I sip that cup soaking in a hot tub. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I am at peace with the world.

Recently Julio & I had the chance to attend a #TetleyTeaParty at Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto. During this immaculately executed event (follow the #TetleyTeaParty hashtag to see what I mean!), I was introduced to pairing tea with food. Having never experienced this to the level of wine pairings I am so adept in, I was pleasantly immersed in a whole new world. You could say I enjoyed steeping in the process of it all. Yes. I just did that.

With four flavours in the Tetley Signature Collection that we sampled, no matter what the occasion, Tetley Canada has a tea for you. Be it to soak in the tub after a long day or to enjoy with a beautiful meal, there is something for everyone. The Signature Collection takes tea to a new height with elegant blends and coy names. Take a peak at what we had the chance to enjoy and keep stocked in our pantry ever since! Continue reading “Food & Wine | It’s easier than ever to have your very own #TetleyTeaParty”

Travel & Lifestyle | Children’s Fashion with some of our favourite #DoTheDaniel brands

For those of you who follow along on social media (@DoTheDaniel on Twitter & Instagram), you’ll have noticed that we recently captured Children’s Fashion for the Spring with some of our favourite brands. Styled by Julio Reyes and shot by our very own Amanda Hayden, our littlest spokesperson Lyric rocked some of the best looks for the Spring and we are so excited to finally share them with you. Come & see why Lacoste, Bench Canada and Mini Mioche are some of our personal go-to brands for our family and yours! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Children’s Fashion with some of our favourite #DoTheDaniel brands”

Travel & Lifestyle | Gillette & Stark Industries join forces

For those of you who don’t know, Julio is probably the biggest comic fan I have ever met. Yes, one of the leading Canadian Fashion Blogger goes completely nutters over anything comic book related and we own more collectibles than I care to admit. But it’s his young-at-heart attitude that makes me love him even more. So when I found out about the prototypes being launched in conjunction with Gillette & Stark Industries in lieu of the upcoming AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON ,I simply had to take the time to tell you all about them while Julio has a total freakout. Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Gillette & Stark Industries join forces”