La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!

¿Recuerdas esos días en los que los teléfonos móviles no eran parte de nuestra vida? Probablemente no. Tal vez seas de una generación en la que prácticamente naciste con un teléfono en la mano y quizá te sorprendas de saber que antes la gente compraba cámaras fotográficas con rollo de película para tomar fotos y si eso no es suficiente para asombrarte, imagina que antes para comunicarte con tu crush (ni se les llamaba crush) tenías que llamar al teléfono de su casa y vivir el terror indescriptible de que te contestara su papá o el hermano celoso. Antes, la sociedad salía a los restaurantes a comer, no a hacer sesiones fotográficas para subirlas a Instagram (historia real). ¿GPS? ¡Por favor! Yo soy de esos que al viajar, hacía paradas frecuentes para revisar en enormes mapas impresos si el camino era el correcto. Continue reading “La vida evoluciona todo el tiempo, ¡síguele el ritmo!”

Don’t Fear Change

Remember those days when mobile phones were not part of our lives? We used to buy cameras to capture special moments and wait for days to see them. I can’t even think of how many times my palms sweat when calling my crush in turn, fearing for her dad to pick up the phone! I’m proud to say I come from a generation that actually knew how to read maps (printed maps) when traveling, and food, food was meant to be eaten, not “grammed.” Continue reading “Don’t Fear Change”

Everything is about to change

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize you are on the brink of something big? Lately, I have been having that feeling in a lot of difeferent capacities. But especially when it comes to our partnership with Huawei Mobile Canada. I’m also a bit of believer that things happen at exactly the right moment, when we are most ready for them. For as long as I can remember the number 16 has been my favourite number. Two years ago, on August 16th we adopted Canela. On September 16th my niece Rebecca was born. On October 16th it was my last day at my full time job and the beginning of running Do The Daniel full time. 

So what is so important all of this you ask? Well, October 16th 2017 marks another exciting day for myself and Huawei around the world. The #HuaweiMate10 is being revealed in Munich, Germany and the world of mobile devices as we know it is about to change.  Continue reading “Everything is about to change”