5 Ways I Take Care of Myself When Travelling

Have you ever stopped to think about what work-life balance really means? It’s one of those buzz terms that is thrown around a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it in respect to my own life as much as those of the people around me. And what about those people, who like me, have to travel for work. Is it even possible? I wanted to take a moment to share with you, five ways that I take care of myself when travelling that have actually helped me find a bit of balance again. I’ve really enjoyed spending time in different places but because I’m working, I don’t have the opportunity to really explore the country or city that I am in. So, I’ve been thinking about possibly spending a few months in some of the places that I’ve been too. To help me make the right decision, I’m going to use DestinationScanner.com for the relevant help and information. And trust me when I say, as someone who needs balance (insert Libra joke here) in his life, that they actually work!

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From A Sleepless Nightmare, To Living The Dream

Being a full time University student is difficult. Between living expenses, managing multiple jobs, keeping up with readings, and staying active in the field of media – I often find myself so drained at the end of the day. Having such a busy lifestyle means that I need to maintain the balance of a healthy lifestyle, as well. Because I’m so busy, I have difficulty making time for fitness. So it’s very important to me, that at the very least I can eat healthy, and rest properly.

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A shoutout to all the Marriott Winners

I am so lucky to be able to travel to so many beautiful destinations in partnership with Marriott International alongside the #DTDTeam. You’ll remember that we recently told you about Marriott’s Epic Canada Adventure Sweepstakes where lucky Canadians could enter to win a trip of their very own – click here to read the details of what was up for grabs. I wanted to take a minute to congratulate the official winners and share why it’s so great to #TravelWithMarriottCanada!  Continue reading “A shoutout to all the Marriott Winners”

Team #LeftTWIX all the way.

Have you ever stopped to think about the little quirks that your partner or roommate have that drive you absolutely nuts? For Julio & I, it is that he only snips one side of the bag of milk, which is usually only discovered when it tips over and makes a huge mess on me. Or that I don’t I don’t know the difference between white and ivory when doing the laundry. Well you know what the last straw was? He had the audacity to claim that #RightTWIX was better than #LeftTWIX. Well you know what? Enough is enough. It’s time that we settle this Twix debate once and for all with you all!  Continue reading “Team #LeftTWIX all the way.”