It Isn’t The Holiday Season Without These Items

As 2018 comes to a close in a few short weeks, I am busy getting my holiday shopping done, meal planning for those special people in my life, running to events and writing blog posts when I have a few hours to sit down at the office. I love the hustle and bustle of it all – it is the most wonderful time of the year after all. I think what I love most about the holidays are those moments when I can sit down with friends and family, put my phone away, and really be present with them. Here is how I plan to do that this year with a few items that I absolutely need for the holidays. 

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What My Perfect Day Would Entail

It seems a little self indulgent to be sitting down to write a blog post dedicated to myself, but sometimes I think that putting out your intentions into the universe is a great way of making them come true. October 17th is going to not only mark an exciting time for us as a country with legalization, but it just so happens to be my 35th birthday. Funny to think about that number because for as long as I can remember my “life plan” had me married at 30, with children at 35, owning a home at 40. Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, but I also know that the path I am on right now is the one that will lead me to my best self. I am working on my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and I like to think that 35 will be better than 34. Only time will tell I guess – but in the meantime, if I could have the perfect birthday, here are a few things I would want it to include!  Continue reading “What My Perfect Day Would Entail”

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of Year

It may just be me, but it feels like 2018 has flown by. From our adventures around the world, to the changes that are coming at the end of the year for me, it’s been a whirlwind of amazing moments, memories, and people. The trick to keeping up with my schedule? Staying caffeinated and motivated by the things that make me happy. So it should come as no surprise that today, I am celebrating with Canadians from coast-to-coast – because it’s #PSLseason again. And that means that my favourite season is just around the corner!  Continue reading “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of Year”