Don’t Just Survive Winter, Embrace It!

I’m not one of those people who loves the cold weather. I’d rather be laying on a warm beach or cuddled up under 50 blankets with a hot tea in hand, watching the cold from somewhere indoors. But, I’m also a huge proponent for the fact that if something makes you uncomfortable or pushes you outside of your comfort zone, that you should explore why you feel that way. And if you’re so inclined to decide to push through it, you can usually come out on the other side with a broader perspective of some of the wonderful facets of who you truly are. 

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Travel & Lifestyle | Getting Winter ready with World of Angus

Having Canela in our lives has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. You’ll remember that she is now a brand ambassador for World of Angus and together we are always bringing you all the best additions to our lives as pet owners thanks to their incredible products. This time around, we realized that it was time to get ready for the winter season. Being that Canela is from Miami, it will be her first time experiencing snow and a Canadian winter… THAT should be interesting and cute all at the same time. Thanks to World of Angus, we are ready for whatever the winter holds! Continue reading “Travel & Lifestyle | Getting Winter ready with World of Angus”

Lifestyle | Uncle Otis X Canada Goose

Whether we like it or not, the weather is slowly changing from warm to cool… and before we know it, the winter will be upon us. The joys of being Canadian! I’ve said it before, and I will say it again… I am no Fashion expert like Julio. I do however know beautiful and functional apparel when I see it. I have totally fallen in love with the collaboration between Toronto based contemporary menswear store Uncle Otis & Canada Goose. Come and see why it is a limited edition winter #musthave launching TODAY! Continue reading “Lifestyle | Uncle Otis X Canada Goose”