Health & Nutrition | Yoga Tree Studios opens studio #5 at Bay and Dundas

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet & Daniel Desforges

I feel like nowadays everyone is doing yoga. The internet is littered with photos of people in exotic places posing in seemingly flawless positions posted alongside inspirational quotes or hashtags about how balanced and zen they currently feel. Well, you know what, that’s just not real life. I’m not trashing yoga, it’s incredible, but for once I want to see what someone like me looks like after a 75 minute hot yoga session. (Let me give you a hint, it’s not something I would post alongside an inspirational quote).

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Lifestyle | Trish Stratus brings you into The Stratusphere

Work. Friends. Family. Relationships. Bills. Cleaning. Cooking. Laundry. Budgets. … Life is a busy thing for us all and the stress of it all can certainly take its toll. I am personally notorious for taking on more then one person should because of my personality. I want to be everything to everyone all the time. But at some point we all have to realize that we deserve and need time for ourselves as well. One of the most cathartic things I have ever done is yoga. Both physically and mentally, it truly is the perfect calm in contrast to the busy life I live. And this month, Toronto is truly blessed to have one of the best teaching her award-winning yoga class in the heart of Downtown Toronto. Yes, The one and only Trish Stratus is bringing you into the Stratusphere with her yoga classes at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto. Let me tell you why this is the perfect way to decompress and focus on you.

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Lifestyle | Chi Junky #GetAddicted

The New Year is upon us, and with it, the infamous “New Year’s Resolution.” For the most part, many of us will swear to get to the gym five times a week, or give up junk food for good. But let’s face it, by the time February rolls around the thought of the New Year Resolution has long faded into the background.

Luckily, Chi Junky has got just the right idea by opening The Wellness Concierge & Private Yoga Studio will open to the public and new members of all walks of life. The idea is one that helps even the “worst” of us stay on track when it comes to our health. Continue reading “Lifestyle | Chi Junky #GetAddicted”