Bloom Back!

Now that the semester is finally finished, I actually have time to breathe and do things for myself again. It feels pretty nice if I’m being perfectly honest. I’m now working part-time asides from staying busy with the blog, but it’s great to do things for myself and give back to those around me that I love.  Continue reading “Bloom Back!”

The Best Kind of Convenience

I have to say, every time I’m in a pinch, Starbucks has my back. Lately I’ve been ordering at the drive-thru on my way to work because I can’t seem to wake up early enough to brew myself a pot of the True North Blend at home. I’d love to be one of those people who wakes up two hours before they leave the house, sipping coffee and journaling on the back patio under the morning sun. But the reality is after I hit snooze three times, I get out of bed with just enough time to get ready. I have tried to be this person who gets up early to make themself a coffee, I mean I even bought the Perfect Coffee Maker, but I need my beauty sleep. So I’m grateful Starbucks is in my neighbourhood as I can swing by before the commute to work.

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Because Fun is Not Just For Kids

I was around 11 years old when I got my first Nintendo Gaming System (NES). I remember it like it was yesterday, as that was probably the last time that Santa paid a visit to my house. That’s right, with the magic box called Nintendo Entertainment System came what I like to call my “first maturity stage” cause after that Christmas day, my father gave me the “Santa talk”. What he didn’t know is that I had already found out the harsh truth, but still wanted some cool Christmas presents (don’t judge me, I was not the first nor last kid to do that) and I wanted that NES more than anything. Though the truth about Santa made me feel kind of like a grown-up kid and that the magic was over… I was still a kid though, right?

Continue reading “Because Fun is Not Just For Kids”