Some things you have to learn the hard way

While I sit down to write this blog post after the most tumultuous and jarring 36 hours of my life in many years, I am doing my best to not collapse under the pressure.

They say in life that some things you have to learn the hard way, and my friends, this is about to be one of those moments for me. What I do know, and can share, is that it’s time I get very honest with you and with myself. It’s time I start down my sobriety path openly, honestly, and in hopes that the challenges that lay ahead (as I share them along the way) help anyone out there who has been or is currently struggling.

February 20, 2024.

Day 1 of being 100% sober.

Day 1 of a new way of life.

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When it doubt, a new fragrance always helps me

For those of you who know me, you’ll know that I love fragrances. I have probably around four to five of them on the go at once, and save the important ones I receive as gifts for the most special of occasions. That being said, if you’re also like me, you are probably due for a bit of a refresh on that shelf in the bathroom or place on your drawer. I’m here to share with you about H24 Herbes Vives by Hermès and how it’s quickly becoming one of my favourite scents of 2024.

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Can we take a moment to talk about Mississauga ?

With 2024 well underway and so many fabulous destinations to explore in Canada, I’ve been recently sharing places that I and we have loved to explore. We all know that Toronto is home in my heart, and recently upon a visit to Mississauga for a brand event, I got to thinking about it as both a destination for tourists and Torontonians alike. This is my first of many online love letters and why you should consider to #VisitMississauga in 2024 like I plan to.

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The small victories & the silver linings

I can’t lie and say that I am sitting down at my computer today living the life I have always wanted. Yes, I am fortunate enough to be working in a field that I love, doing some pretty spectacular things. But at what cost, I find myself asking the reflection lately. At 40 years old I am once again in a very challenging predicament where I am lost in more ways than I am found. I try my best to wake up every day and tell myself that the small victories & the silver linings will get me through the day.

But if I’m being perfectly honest, some days, I wonder.

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