Family Lifestyle | Valentine’s Day by Etsy

It’s officially February, so it’s crunch time for Valentine’s Day! I’ve posted before about my love of pretty much all things Etsy (here, here and here), so it should come as no surprise that when a gift giving holiday comes along, I jump right on Etsy and see what I can find that’s unique and one of a kind! I’ve been through things for my man like socks, belts, maybe sometimes I’ve gone for A cool mens Henley option for example! But what else is out there? Often I don’t know what I want until I see it.. and then it’s all I HAVE TO HAVE IT! haha! For example, there are so many great personalized gifts available online that you haven’t thought of yet, such as this Custom Spotify Code Music Plaque. I can imagine filling it with my boo’s favorite songs and giving it to him for Valentine’s Day. So I thought I would curate a list of great gifts for the ones you love most in the hopes that you’ll see something you just HAVE to have!

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Family Lifestyle | Learning made AWESOME!

If you checked out my Holiday Gift Guide this year, you would’ve noticed the most current LeapFrog tablet, the LeapPad Ultra XDi! Lyric was fortunate enough to get the original LeapPad1 for his 2nd birthday, and we LOVED it! It was immediately easy to use, even for my fresh 2 year old, as well as durable! As the saying goes.. it gets better with time, and this is so true when it comes to the latest release from LeapFrog!

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Family Lifestyle | Muffymade

One of the things I really love is having something that no one else does! Ever since I was little, I always loved having custom made (by my mom) clothes, one of a kind bags, or a unique piece of art. Now that I’m an adult, and a mom, I love it even more! I’ve always looked for pieces for Lyric that I know someone else won’t have. Whether it’s making curtains from sheets, custom blankets, or buying his clothes from independent sellers on etsy, I love knowing that he won’t match the crowd. He was definitely born to stand out! I came across muffymade, and instantly fell in love with the concept! Completely custom items!

Family Lifestyle | Abundance Naturally

Ever since Lyric was very little (cause, you know, he’s so big now. haha), he’s had very sensitive skin. Maybe it’s because he’s mixed, maybe it’s our environment, either way I’ve had to be very selective in the things I put on his body. Without nightly cream, his skin becomes very dry and he’ll scratch himself in his sleep until he’s cut. That all being said, when I came upon a brand that was based on all natural products, I knew this was going to be just perfect for Lyric!

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