The Three Small Changes I Made for Me

The self-improvement and self-love narrative is nothing anything new to me, my blog and my social media accounts. If you’re already following me on Instagram (if not, why not? ? click here) you’ll have seen that I bought myself the loudest pair of adidas running shoes you can imagine and have been really trying to form healthy habits. Amid a big change, I’m trying to not be the biggest cliché of all, but I do want to make this chapter in my life the best I can.

So, I thought I would share with you all the three small changes I have made that seem to be making the biggest difference in the way I feel.

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Remember To Love How You Feel

With April around the corner, I am coming to be thankful for the simple things in life more and more. 2019 has been an amazing year so far, and while my time here at the blog as CEO is coming to an end (click here to read more about my decision), I am carrying a lot of the healthier habits it has introduced me to into my new life. It should be no shock that
Genuine Health has become a part of my personal life after five incredible years of working with them. From smoothies in the morning to kick start my day, to their latest collagen products that are easier than ever to incorporate into my routines, Genuine Health seems to understand me and my needs more than most other brand names that I keep stocked in my home.

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What My Perfect Day Would Entail

It seems a little self indulgent to be sitting down to write a blog post dedicated to myself, but sometimes I think that putting out your intentions into the universe is a great way of making them come true. October 17th is going to not only mark an exciting time for us as a country with legalization, but it just so happens to be my 35th birthday. Funny to think about that number because for as long as I can remember my “life plan” had me married at 30, with children at 35, owning a home at 40. Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, but I also know that the path I am on right now is the one that will lead me to my best self. I am working on my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and I like to think that 35 will be better than 34. Only time will tell I guess – but in the meantime, if I could have the perfect birthday, here are a few things I would want it to include!  Continue reading “What My Perfect Day Would Entail”

Food For Your Gut

We’re in the thick of winter here in Canada, where there’s no locally grown produce in sight. I need to be honest – I miss fresh fruits and veggies. Shopping at the grocery store isn’t the same as heading to the farmers’ market to pick up fresh produce grown in a neighbouring town. If you live in a snowy climate, then you get where I’m coming from. My body craves these nutrients, but they’re more difficult to come by; that’s why I like to supplement with a greens or superfoods powder over the winter. They’re nutritionally dense and support many bodily functions including digestion, immunity and hormones. Plus, they always make my hair and nails healthier and I sleep better too.

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