A Beautiful Change Of Pace

Today I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge all the people that help to make DoTheDaniel.com a success around the world. It’s not just the #DTDteam as we continue to grow and expand, but it is also the friends and family that support us. It’s you the reader, and of course the brands that work with us to make us look and feel our best. At the end of the day, I spend a lot of time in the public eye and I want to always feel my best. That being said, as I’ve gotten older, I have come to realize that the choices I make should be responsible ones. From supporting eco-friendly and socially responsible brands such as Outland Denim (click here to read about them if you haven’t yet) to the salon I frequent to keep my wild head of hair tamed, life is about making the right decisions lately. So it’s why I am excited to announce that we’ve partnered with worldSALON here in Toronto as our salon of choice. And there are quite a few reasons why this change is for the better.  Continue reading “A Beautiful Change Of Pace”

Healthy Travel Tips While On The Go

We’re all so busy these days. And as much as I’m not a huge fan of that word, I get it… the struggle is real and it’s hard to fit everything into your schedule, especially when you’re on the go. But, I also believe that you make time for what’s important to you. And your health should be one of those things for sure, no matter what you’re doing or where you’re going. So, that’s why I thought I would put together a few easy ways for you to stay healthy while on the go – whether travelling or just out and about! Now, just sit back, relax and breathe. You’re gonna be just fine.

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Reinventing what it means to live a healthier lifestyle

Is it donuts or doughnuts? I ask myself that every time. Either way, all I know is that I love them and they love me. My trainer, not so much. It’s why when I recently got back from travelling and needed a bit of a reinvention of my healthier lifestyle, I thought it might be fun to create a twist on a sweet treat to appease even the healthiest of food lovers. Alongside Almond Breeze, a staple in my home and diet, I got to work testing out recipes and think I finally came up with one that you are going to love. Did I also mention that this recipe is both healthier and delicious?

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Making realistic resolutions & responsible choices

I’ll be honest with you and say that this year, I haven’t been as diligent as I should have been with my health. Like many Canadians, I made myself promises on January first and set goals for myself that may have been slightly too ambitious. As the year comes to an end I am finding myself making realistic resolutions that I will be able to accomplish. First of all, I won’t be so hard on myself for not meeting the previous year’s goals. There is no shame in admitting you couldn’t do something or simply didn’t get the time to.

Moving forward, I will make smarter, more responsible choices on a daily basis instead of trying to think of the entire year at once. And most importantly, I will provide myself the tools I need to achieve these goals. One of my resolutions is to improve my finances so I recently found the best canadian stock market app that will help me learn about investing. If your resolution is about learning a new skill then buy some basic tools to get started. The list goes on. Who said there was no such thing as New Years Gifts? Nobody, that’s who. I’ve got just the gifts you need to reset those goals with me and get back to a healthier you. Continue reading “Making realistic resolutions & responsible choices”