Scarcity Mentality And How To Overcome It

If I was to ask how were you doing right now, what would your answer be? For many of us, the default to answer “I’m good, thanks. And you?” or “I’m fine” without a second thought. But if I asked again, I wonder if your answer would be different. While I can’t speak for anyone else other than myself, I have to be honest that I am struggling a bit. The excitement of life is of course where my focus is these days, because your energy flows where your attention goes. But having lived in a scarcity mentality for so long, I’m having a hard time not stressing out about money and finances these days.

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Let’s make 2025 the year we stop explaining ourselves

Over the course of the last few weeks, I have been quietly planning and getting to work. For those of you that are new here at the blog, hello and welcome. Without rehashing the past, 2024 was quite a transformative year in my life. Out of the proverbial ashes of it all, I promised myself to use the beginning of a new calendar year to focus my attention forward to the life I want for myself and to stop at nothing to make it happen.

Moving back to Toronto permanently as soon as I can afford it. Once settled, adopting another dog as a companion. Working on my spiritual & emotional well-being consistently. Preparing myself mentally for all the things that have to happen that I can’t stop. And most importantly of all, I promised myself that I would take my physical health much more seriously for myself.

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How I’m making 2024 the year of change

While it’s been no surprise to those of you reading and / or following me online, if you’re new to the blog, I should admit that my 2024 hasn’t started off very well at all. I, like most people, kicked on Jan 1 with energy and excitement and before I knew it so many things abruptly changed that I am still left reeling from the process.

Since January I’ve had to overcome some pretty incredible hurdles, some of them not so gracefully, and amid online support groups I was already aware of, my current psychotherapist and a new mental health expert I am meeting later in February, I find myself looking for support and a sense of community in the world. Let me tell you about one I was recently introduced to and how it may just be a fit for you as well.

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So I’ve been told Summer is “Cancelled”, Now What?

After a busy week in Ottawa both professionally and personally, I got news that the summer is “cancelled” for many of the in person events in the coming months that most of us were looking forward to. While my initial reaction was like many – somewhere in between knowing it was coming, disappointment and frustration – I also realized that things could be worse. After the shock settled down I got to thinking about the ways that I can make myself happy and enjoy the summer I wasn’t expecting, but that I am still going to enjoy to the best of my abilities. Here’s hoping it helps to remind you that there are still reasons to smile and things to be excited for amid a year of disappointing moments and obstacles.

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