My Happiest Holiday Memories Might Surprise You

There are fews things that I love more than memories. I’m a hopeless romantic and a sentimentalist. I associate items, songs and places with people. It’s something I have always done and love about myself. I can look at a napkin I kept from a restaurant that I keep in a memory box and remember how it felt to enjoy a meal with someone and the moment I realized I loved them. It seems silly, but that’s just how I see the world – full of beautiful moments that I carry with me. The holidays are a special time for me and while we get excited for the season ahead, and attend some pretty spectacular events around the world, I wanted to take a moment to share why some of my happiest holiday memories might in fact surprise you. It’s not the tree or the onesies (though both important of course) but rather the simple moments with those I love that help to remind me of what is important.  Continue reading “My Happiest Holiday Memories Might Surprise You”

What My Perfect Day Would Entail

It seems a little self indulgent to be sitting down to write a blog post dedicated to myself, but sometimes I think that putting out your intentions into the universe is a great way of making them come true. October 17th is going to not only mark an exciting time for us as a country with legalization, but it just so happens to be my 35th birthday. Funny to think about that number because for as long as I can remember my “life plan” had me married at 30, with children at 35, owning a home at 40. Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, but I also know that the path I am on right now is the one that will lead me to my best self. I am working on my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and I like to think that 35 will be better than 34. Only time will tell I guess – but in the meantime, if I could have the perfect birthday, here are a few things I would want it to include!  Continue reading “What My Perfect Day Would Entail”

Because Fun is Not Just For Kids

I was around 11 years old when I got my first Nintendo Gaming System (NES). I remember it like it was yesterday, as that was probably the last time that Santa paid a visit to my house. That’s right, with the magic box called Nintendo Entertainment System came what I like to call my “first maturity stage” cause after that Christmas day, my father gave me the “Santa talk”. What he didn’t know is that I had already found out the harsh truth, but still wanted some cool Christmas presents (don’t judge me, I was not the first nor last kid to do that) and I wanted that NES more than anything. Though the truth about Santa made me feel kind of like a grown-up kid and that the magic was over… I was still a kid though, right?

Continue reading “Because Fun is Not Just For Kids”

Why I Started Gaming Again

In 1992, I was 9 years old. I remember living in a basement apartment with my mother in the west end of Ottawa. I had this friend, who lived in one of the buildings next door, who had a computer and something called a “Super Nintendo Entertainment System.” This was some fancy stuff right here. And for the record, yes there were actually a lot of people who didn’t have a computer at their house back then. And I was one of them.

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