Health & Nutrition | Way Better Snacks | Guilt-Free Sprouted Pleasure

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet 

I love to ask people all about their favourite guilty pleasure foods.  I do this because a) I’m a foodie; b) food is a huge turn on for me and c) I want to find healthy alternative foods that can match that naughty guilt sensation.  Let’s be honest, being bad can feel so good.  Well, with food there is a fine line on how “bad” we should really be.  What we eat and how we treat ourselves dictates how well our body actually functions.

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Health & Nutrition | Renew Life | Are you PRO-biotics?

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

The first time I heard that billions, even trillions of bacteria live inside of my belly, I was utterly mortified. Ew, excuse me, um what?! I was that girl who used to pump my hands full of antibacterial products if I even got a speck of dirt on my hands and then would totally freak out if I saw a bug… so how was I supposed to handle the fact that there are tons of “icky” things living inside me? Well, I finally put my big girl pants on, went to school for Nutrition and then found out that it’s not actually that simple.

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Health & Nutrition | Green & Black’s | Ew, I Don’t Like Chocolate… Said NO ONE EVER

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

Since I started writing for DoTheDaniel, I’ve longed for the day when I can write about my favourite thing on earth.  No it’s not Kale, or Chia Seeds, or Quinoa or Ian Somerhalder (although those are all pretty up there on the list).  It’s CHOCOLATE.  Don’t worry, they won’t revoke my “Holistic Nutritionist Membership Card”, it can still be healthy when done right!

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Health & Nutrition | The Innate Wellness Health Shop Saves the Day!

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet 

I want to take a second to bring you into my world.  As a Holistic Nutritionist, I always want what’s best for my clients.  When I recommend a protocol plan, product or a potential supplement to start incorporating into their diets, I’m not giving it to them or selling it directly.  I make my professional recommendation and then it’s up to them to source it, purchase it and then they are then responsible for making sure they follow the protocols I am providing to them.  They are the CEO of their own body.

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