The Three Small Changes I Made for Me

The self-improvement and self-love narrative is nothing anything new to me, my blog and my social media accounts. If you’re already following me on Instagram (if not, why not? ? click here) you’ll have seen that I bought myself the loudest pair of adidas running shoes you can imagine and have been really trying to form healthy habits. Amid a big change, I’m trying to not be the biggest cliché of all, but I do want to make this chapter in my life the best I can.

So, I thought I would share with you all the three small changes I have made that seem to be making the biggest difference in the way I feel.

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Anything Is Possible

Sitting down on a chilly winter evening, with dinner cooking away, I find myself smiling for no reason in particular. It seems strange to acknowledge it, but I feel as though happiness should be encouraged and shared much more than it is these days.

Sensational tabloid topics, click bait articles, drama, negativity, celebrity deaths… there is so much on the internet that can wear away at you. There have been a series of small changes in my life over the last twelve(ish) months that I have made that have helped me realize that anything in life is possible. Today I wanted to share them with you in hopes I can help show you why I believe this now more than ever.

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Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest

For all of you that follow Do The Daniel on Instagram, you’ll know that for the past few months I have been really busy with prepping a move, moving and then furnishing my new apartment. I know this is something that almost all new tenants have to deal with but, when you’re moving into somewhere as stunning as Vintage apartments, you know it’ll all be worthwhile. Sure, it might be a tricky thing to get fully sorted but the final result will be so rewarding and you’ll be able to sit in a contemporary, luxurious apartment and appreciate just how far you’ve come. This has been quite the ordeal because I have always been someone who has lived in furnished or partially furnished places for years. It just makes everything easier when you don’t have to worry about sourcing furniture on top of the stresses that already come with moving house. It’s why I dream of living somewhere like these luxury apartments in downtown cleveland, as when I moved into my new apartment, I didn’t own a single piece of furniture. No couch. No dining room table. No dressers. No bed. No mattress. Nothing.

I was literally working with a blank canvas. Continue reading “Why You Should Invest in Quality Rest”

5 Ways I Take Care of Myself When Travelling

Have you ever stopped to think about what work-life balance really means? It’s one of those buzz terms that is thrown around a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it in respect to my own life as much as those of the people around me. And what about those people, who like me, have to travel for work. Is it even possible? I wanted to take a moment to share with you, five ways that I take care of myself when travelling that have actually helped me find a bit of balance again. I’ve really enjoyed spending time in different places but because I’m working, I don’t have the opportunity to really explore the country or city that I am in. So, I’ve been thinking about possibly spending a few months in some of the places that I’ve been too. To help me make the right decision, I’m going to use for the relevant help and information. And trust me when I say, as someone who needs balance (insert Libra joke here) in his life, that they actually work!

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