The Best Kind of Convenience

I have to say, every time I’m in a pinch, Starbucks has my back. Lately I’ve been ordering at the drive-thru on my way to work because I can’t seem to wake up early enough to brew myself a pot of the True North Blend at home. I’d love to be one of those people who wakes up two hours before they leave the house, sipping coffee and journaling on the back patio under the morning sun. But the reality is after I hit snooze three times, I get out of bed with just enough time to get ready. I have tried to be this person who gets up early to make themself a coffee, I mean I even bought the Perfect Coffee Maker, but I need my beauty sleep. So I’m grateful Starbucks is in my neighbourhood as I can swing by before the commute to work.

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Siempre Hay Tiempo Para Escapar en Una Taza de Café

Me causa mucha risa cuando la gente piensa que vivo de vacaciones… ¡ojalá así fuera! Entiendo que puedan tener esa impresión errónea de mi, pues mientras mucha gente trabaja para poder vacacionar en la playa, yo estoy tan cerca que puedo disfrutar del mar, del sol radiante y el clima perfecto casi cualquier día de la semana, sin importar si son vacaciones o no; pero aunque me encantaría, la realidad es otra. Si bien vivir en un destino de playa ha contribuido a que mi estado físico y mi salud mental, sean mucho mejores respecto a los que tenía cuando aún vivía en la hermosa pero caótica Cd. de México y soy muy feliz en Playa del Carmen, ¡No todo es color de rosa en el paraíso!

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Making My Mornings Easier in Toronto

I laughed as I wrote the title of this post. “Technically” I am French Canadian, having been born in Montréal. But Toronto is now home, and I identify as a #Torontonian. My family, business, friends, and life all center around the city I call home. So as I arrived to the office this morning, I decided to share a few of my time saving tips for the morning commute that help get me where I need to be faster. Since, let’s be honest, we are all always in a rush to be somewhere. 

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