Life’s A Rollercoaster Ride Right Now, So Might As Well Enjoy a Few!

While the world seems to be adjusting to the new normal, I recently got some good news that I wanted to share with you all. Amid video calls with friends over coffee or wine, and the social distancing that I am actively a part of for the time being, there is a lot to look forward to as well. The summer months will hopefully see us out in the sun reminded to celebrate the beauty of being together and remind us to never take anything for granted.

In the meantime, in lieu of another year as a part of the #WonderCrew at Canada’s Wonderland, I wanted to share some fun things to enjoy at home with the kids or someone special to get you excited for when the park opens!

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Long Weekend Vibes

Now that I’ve been to Canada’s Wonderland for Media Day (click here to watch the highlights on our Instagram account), I’m already trying to sort out exactly how many visits I can get in this season with my Gold Season Pass to the park. The May long weekend has always been one that I find myself spending outside as much as possible. So from the gardening I plan on doing, to visiting the park for their long weekend fireworks spectacular, I wanted to share some of my long weekend #vibes to inspire your own!

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Continuing A Family Tradition

The month of April is underway and with it (albeit slowly) the warmer weather is coming. In just a few short weeks the doors at Canada’s Wonderland will open and the 2019 season will kick off with some exciting new rides and opportunities to make memories with my family. As I have explained, one of my favourite memories growing up was going to RBC Royal Bank Day at the park – the day before the park opens to the public. For my entire childhood, this was our version of a theme park trip because it was one we could afford. It’s why I am so excited that we are official #WonderCrew members and will be sharing more about the park in 2019.

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An Exciting New Ride for Thrill Seekers

Thrill seekers unite – Canada’s Wonderland is set to open the world’s longest and fastest dive roller coaster in Spring 2019 and the entire team in Toronto cannot wait! I can remember my first experience at Canada’s Wonderland vividly. We took a field trip in my grade 11 physics class. It was my first time ever visiting the park, and I was both excited and nervous. I didn’t have a lot of roller coaster experiences in the past, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.  The very first ride I ever rode was Thunder Run, and let me tell you, I was terrified. Looking back, it makes me chuckle a little because I’m now the complete opposite, constantly searching for the next hair raising experience.

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