Family Lifestyle | Kandoo – Boogie Mist

Now that the school year is in full swing, we’ve definitely had our first round of colds. It wasn’t too bad, but it’s getting colder (ugh, geez Canada!), and with the cold comes even more illnesses. According to WebMD, “Kids who are preschool age have around nine colds a year, while kindergartners can have 12 a year.” TWELVE a year? Yikes! So, what can we as parents do to help?

I know from day 1, we are constantly bombarded with parenting advice and products. Do this, don’t do that, buy this, don’t bother with that, you need this, I never used that. This is also the same when you go to a pharmacy. Take a walk down the children’s medicine aisle and you’ll soon be confronted with dozens of choices, and who knows if any of it works. Well, let me tell you about Boogie Mist. It’s a non-medicated sterile saline mist that works quickly inside the nasal cavity to ease congestion caused by boogers that won’t budge. They even went as far as to add a scented applicator tip, a.k.a. Schnozzle™ to make it more appealing to the little noses it needs to enter. It works perfectly along side the Boogie Wipes that I told you about last month.


Now, I’m not going to lie to you.. this is how Lyric reacted when I explained what I was about to do… sheesh, where’s the trust kiddo? haha! I’m not sure I know of any kids who would be all gung ho to try this out, but he definitely came around quickly.


Maybe it was the Schnozzle! Either way, he took it like a champ and actually seemed to enjoy it! There are many advantages to using a saline spray. Saline sprays can be used to moisturize dry sinus cavities, loosen nasal congestion, and remove debris or pollens from the nose. When used to treat congestion, saline sprays work to dislodge the mucus in the sinus cavities. The blockage can naturally flow out or be blown out in a tissue.

In the end it was fast and easy, two things you want when looking for cold relief. Lyric is showing you how well he can breathe now, and officially gives it a thumbs up! To learn more about Boogie Mist and where to buy it, follow the link.

Be sure to follow along on my mommy adventures & to get a behind the scenes look into my life, follow my Instagram Account today. We’d love to have you join us!

Photos via: Amanda Hayden Photography

Live, Laugh, Love

Amanda Hayden