Let’s Give Praise Where Praise is Due

Prepare yourself for a bit of a mushy post. Lately I am so moved by those people around me, especially the women in my life. Through thick and thin, I can look to any of them for inspiration in my personal and professional life. Bar none, Catherine is at the top of this list because of our long friendship and ability to run and operate the day-to-day of #DoTheDaniel together. When I stopped to think about it, I realized that she may be one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs that I know – something that many of you should be made aware of. So when I recently found out about the Veuve Clicquot’s 2018 Business Woman Award I of course nominated her. Come see what the awards are all about and how you too can help to celebrate the inspiring women in the world with us. 

So, first and foremost, let’s talk about what it would mean to me (and hopefully to Catherine if her nomination is accepted.)

“The Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award and New Generation Award pay homage to Madame Clicquot, the first woman to establish herself as such a leading female figure in the business world. Since the BWA inception, the worthy female heirs of “la Grande Dame de Champagne” have been recognized for their own unique and pioneering qualities. Meeting challenges and breaking ceilings, these Award winners share an entrepreneurial spirit, audacious foresight, firm creativity and talent. Like Veuve Clicquot herself, the Award has enjoyed an international dimension, honoring more than 300 women in 27 countries since its inception.”

I have no doubt that as you’re reading this blog post, one woman comes to mind like how Catherine did. Submitting a nomination on the official website allows you the chance to possibly change their life. To have them celebrated in the way they should for making the world a more beautiful place. 

So why did I nominate Catherine? Because as an entrepreneur she has embodied all the things about running this business with me. Every single day she guides and helps to coordinate twelve staff around the world. She helps to keep me grounded in an industry that can change at the drop of a hat. She sacrifices herself for the betterment of the business and she thrives in the success we share with our staff around the world. She ensure every single one of our Contributors understands their value and importance, and most importantly she holds true to her values and beliefs. If that isn’t the epitome of a female entrepreneur, I don’t know what is. 

“This year, Veuve Clicquot Canada will be honoring one recipient from each category – the Business Woman and New Generation Award. In Canada, we shine a spotlight on the notable achievements of the country’s female entrepreneurs. Previous winners include; Jeannine Guillevin Wood (1984), Lise Watier (1986), Suzanne Bernard (1988), Christiane Germain (2013), Cora Tsouflidou (2014), Andrea Scott (2016) and Janet LePage (2016). This October, we will honour two female leaders at a ceremony in Toronto.”

All I want for my birthday in October is to see Catherine thanked and praised for everything she does. The things we get to join her on in front of the camera, but more so for the things many of you don’t see behind the scenes. For the workdays that go well into the night. For the strategy meetings we have. For the planning she puts into the business so it feels effortless. For the personal and professional support she offers unconditionally. For her humanity and understand. For her strength and her ability to shine in the face of every challenge we have faced as a small business. 

You mean the world to me Catherine. And I can only hope that my nomination I submitted today helps you understand that I couldn’t have done any of this without you. 


If you know of, or are, a woman who deserves the praise for her success, I encourage you to head to the website today and submit a nomination. Applications are now being accepted online at https://www.veuveclicquot.com/en-ca/award/about. Veuve Clicquot encourages you to share the link with anyone you believe is deserving and eligible for this award based on the following criteria:


  • Age
    • +35 years
  • Entrepreneurship
    • Founder/leader of a business, driving force behind success through pioneering approach, business acumen, dynamism, innovation, audacity, tenacity
  • Financial Success
    • Sustained profitable business growth and healthy balance sheet
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Genuine commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices such as environmental policies, employee benefits, workforce diversity, and community schemes/relationships
  • Role Model
    • Mentoring, succession planning, pushing boundaries, ability to motivate others, relationship building with colleagues/employees, especially for other women


  • Age
    • Between 25 – 35 years
  • Entrepreneurship
    • Founder of a business that has optimized a gap in today’s market to bring an innovative offer and approach to business. The nominee must demonstrate a fearless approach.
  • Innovation
    • Demonstrates ability to transform a creative vision or innovation into a tangible business model
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Genuine commitment to responsible and sustainable business practices such as responsible product sourcing, community engagement and industry partnerships

To join in on the social media conversation around the women making the world more beautiful, make sure to follow @VeuveClicquotCanada on Instagram & @VeuveClicquot on twitter. Use and follow the #BWACanada hashtag to share your nomination with us. We can’t wait to hear about the women in your life that inspire you the way Catherine inspires me. 

This post is not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages. Please remember to enjoy responsibly and never drink and drive. 

For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands we are working with around the world, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account. We would love to have you join on our adventures! 

Don’t forget to sign up for the DoTheDaniel.com Newsletter

Photos: Veuve Clicquot, Daniel Reyes & All Social Media accounts listed above


Daniel Reyes

Mobile photos were taken with my #HuaweiP20Pro on the Rogers network