Food & Wine | Sausage, Sweet Potato & Black Bean Chili

I have had a weekly craving for chili since we hit December. I’m sure you know the feeling; when the weather turns grey and cold and your body lacks warmth and vitamins, you turn to comfort foods. Take a look at my newest recipe with some of my favourite ingredients found at my local Sainsbury’s.

Now I am no Texan, I was born and raised in Toronto and I am a Canadian girl. My background is 100% pale and English and I have no ties whatsoever to the southern United States. So I will not pretend to claim that this is in any way an authentic chili. It has beans, it has sweet potatoes. I suggest topping it with Greek yogurt and use sausages instead of beef.

but! but!

I like to think its pretty gosh darn tasty, especially when you make it with your favourite beer.

Sorry, I had to.
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So here we see a visual synopsis of all the ingredients you will need for my heresy chili. Except oregano, which they didn’t have at my local grocery.

And garlic, so I took its portrait.

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Isn’t she lovely?

The whole thing will take you around 45 minutes from start to finish, with almost half of it hands-free. I wouldn’t exactly recommend making it on a weeknight; but its ideal for weekend cooking, especially as it tastes better the next day (Hello weekday packed lunches)

It will take you even less time if your knife skills are better than mine.

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That’s a symmetrical square, right?

I can’t wait for you to try my recipe below and to let us know what you think!

Ta-da! A dish that is sure to leave a smile on your face.

Make sure to come along on my culinary adventures around the world by following my Instagram Account.See something you’d like me to cook or write about? Tag me! I can’t wait for you to join in on the #DoTheDaniel adventures.

Photos: Brittany Levett

All the best,

Brittany Levett