Lifestyle | Rogers Communications & “Generation D”

Sometimes I stop to think about what my life would be like without my cell phone and I shudder in fear. This complex piece of technology helps to keep me organized, in sync with the world around me, entertained, in touch with you my reader and so much more. I couldn’t imagine a day without it.

Rogers Communications recently released their Rogers Innovation Report which speaks to the necessity of the mobile device and future of the App world. To be honest, I didn’t even know what “Generation D” was until I was informed that it meant the “Canadian Device Generation”. We all know them; the youth that are more connected to their phone then they are to the world around them. And whether you love them or hate them, this new generation of tech savvy innovators helps to shed light on where the world of mobile applications is headed in 2014 and beyond.

“Nearly half (39%) of Canadians believe virtual communication will replace face-to-face interactions and half (50%) expect to converse exclusively through text, social media and email in the next five years.”

In this video, Rogers Communications shows us all that “Generation D is Here” and it’s definitely something to think about.

So agree or disagree, the world is changing with each new day and each new app. Alongside the change must arise a lifestyle which is adaptable and ever-evolving. So maybe, just maybe, we all have something to learn from Generation D thanks to Rogers Communications.

Let me know what you think and tweet me @DoTheDaniel with #GenerationD

And don’t forget to follow me and my own mobile life on my Instagram.


Daniel Desforges

Photos & Video by: Rogers Communication

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