It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of Year

It may just be me, but it feels like 2018 has flown by. From our adventures around the world, to the changes that are coming at the end of the year for me, it’s been a whirlwind of amazing moments, memories, and people. The trick to keeping up with my schedule? Staying caffeinated and motivated by the things that make me happy. So it should come as no surprise that today, I am celebrating with Canadians from coast-to-coast – because it’s #PSLseason again. And that means that my favourite season is just around the corner!  Continue reading “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of Year”

New Fitbit, Who Dis?

Monday mornings are always dichotomous for me. I love working and I always have. Though the position I have held has never really mattered, work gives me purpose and direction. But commuting to the office, showering, picking out an outfit, and doing all the things I need to drag myself out of bed after what I hope would be a relaxing Sunday… I definitely can empathize with the #Mondaze sentiment most of the time. That being said, you all know that I have really been trying to work on myself lately. From being more physically active, to focusing on positive things and people in light of difficult personal challenges I am facing, there is always a choice to be made. To be broken by challenges, or to use them as lessons. Fitness has become an outlet for me, even if it’s just taking a two hour walk to get out of the house and out of my own head.  Continue reading “New Fitbit, Who Dis?”

Gifts They’ll Actually Enjoy

I am of the mindset lately that when shitty things happen to me personally, the best way to overcome them is to do something nice for someone else. Because there is a theory – don’t quote me on this, as I’m paraphrasing – centered around the law of attraction which says that if you put out positive into the world, positive will find you. I’ve had an interesting few months outside of this world, and I try my best to navigate it all. Thankfully, my business partner is also my best friend. In doing nice things for her, I feel like I’ve made the world a little bit brighter. And if you know Catherine like I do, you’ll understand that chocolate is always a good way to make her happy.  Continue reading “Gifts They’ll Actually Enjoy”

Wishing I Was A Student Again

It’s mid August and for a lot of parents and students, it’s time to start talking about back to school shopping for things like a photo print on school bag. While I am very baby centric right now – with hopes of my future children becoming more and more real with every bit of money I can scrounge into savings – it always makes me smile. I vividly remember every year going with my mom to shop for the things that I needed to get the school year started. When I started my post secondary education in Ottawa (let’s not talk about when that was because it makes me feel old) it was about equipping myself with the tools I needed to be the best student I could be. Best Buy Canada had recently opened a new location in the city core, and it was so exciting to me to know that the items they had on the shelves got me excited. So inspired by this nostalgia, I decided to share some of my favourite Back to School items from Best Buy Canada that I hope might inspire you in the same way. And yes, many of them are on my personal wish list, even if I’m not going back to school this fall! Continue reading “Wishing I Was A Student Again”