The Next Step In My Journey

It’s August 2018 and I’m in the best shape I have been in a very long time. There are a lot of factors that play into that of course, but one of them is that I am taking a lot more time to focus on my physical well being. From hikes in the woods, to classes at SPINCO here in Toronto, my hard work is slowly starting to help me feel better about myself. And although it’s been a few months of me putting in the effort to focus on me more, I am proud of every decision I make to be a better me. One of the first events that we were lucky enough to attend that helped kick start my new attitude was with our friends at RYU Apparel – and ever since, I can’t stop wearing their amazing athleisure items to get my sweat on. So today I wanted to take a minute to ask you – what #YourUniverse would look like if you gave yourself more time to focus on what makes you happy? Continue reading “The Next Step In My Journey”

I Want My Children To See An Elephant

One of my earliest memories as a little boy was going to the Granby Zoo while growing up in Montreal with my family. I remember not necessarily knowing why the animals were there, but being so captivated by their beauty. No animal made a bigger impact than the elephant. It’s sheer size and magnificence stopped me in my velcro shoes. Ever since that moment I have had this adoration for one of the most, in my opinion, majestic creatures on the planet. 2018 has been a hard year for me when it comes to my environmental stances on certain topics. From the albino rhino earlier this year, to the importance of discussing the alarming rate that many species are approaching (or have entered) endangered status. There is so much good in the world, but there is still so much for us to do to be better. Because I want my future children to be able to see an elephant and not have them be something in story books. So let’s talk about #WorldElephantDay and why I am so proud to have partnered with Amarula to share their #AmarulaTrust campaign on August 12th in Canada. Continue reading “I Want My Children To See An Elephant”

How You Can Join Us At #CommsWeekCA

Going into the August long weekend, I find myself looking back on the success of 2018 with a smile. We have achieved some pretty incredible things around the world, and I have so many more exciting things to announce in the coming weeks. I believe that our success is based on the people we surround ourselves with. We support some pretty fantastic people in the media and in turn they support us, and on and on the cycle of positivity goes. I remember when I first stepped into this world and realized that anything is possible. So as we gear up as an official partner of Communications Week in Canada presented by Press Pillay , taking place here in Toronto on October 18th, there is even more to celebrate. And this time, you can come join us in the excitement!  Continue reading “How You Can Join Us At #CommsWeekCA”

Outside > Inside

Lately I am of the mindset that being outside is best. From walking an average of 30K steps a day (I love turning on Apple Music and just walking to unwind when I get busy), to trying to spend as much time in my garden as possible on my new patio furniture sets, even eating outside when I can, and escaping into nature with friends to try and get away whenever possible, I think as Canadians it’s important to have some #GoodTimesOutside. Earlier this year our friends at MEC Canada invited us on a hike to Rouge National Urban Park to do just that, and since that beautiful day alongside Catherine and Aram I haven’t stopped taking the opportunity to continue to do so.  Continue reading “Outside > Inside”