Aujourd’hui, il fait plutôt frais à l’extérieur et sachant que le baromètre va certainement continuer de descendre, je suis tout emmitouflé au bureau. Pour réchauffer mon corps et mes pensées un peu plus, je rêve aux voyages qui me permettraient d’explorer des racoins du monde que je n’ai pas encore visité. Tandis que la plupart des canadiens vont probablement se diriger en voyage vers le sud pour éviter le froid (et oh comme je les comprend!), je pense vouloir aller quelque part de nouveau, d’inédit. Ma vie déborde de changements de nos jours – pourquoi ne pas aussi faire mon premier grand voyage solo? Et pourquoi ne pas choisir une destination que je n’ai jamais encore considérée? D’après moi, c’est toujours le bon temps pour planifier un voyage, et vous savez déjà que nous aimons tellement partir à l’aventure avec Air Canada! Continue reading “Ce N’est Jamais Trop Tard!”
It’s Not Too Late To Make It Happen
It’s a chilly weekend in October and while I bundle up at the office, knowing full well it’s only going to get colder over the next few months, my mind is on travel and destinations I have yet to explore in this world. While the majority of Canadians will be looking to head south (as you should), I am more of the mind that I want to break that habit and go somewhere new. There has been a lot of new in my life this year, and a lot of change. So why would I not take the opportunity to book my first solo trip for myself to a destination that I’ve never considered? It’s not too late to make it happen, and you already know we love exploring destinations with Air Canada! Continue reading “It’s Not Too Late To Make It Happen”
The World is Wide, Wonderful and Waiting
Travelling is one of my favourite things to do. When I don’t have a trip planned, I find myself daydreaming about far away places when I should be working. I come by my wanderlust honestly, as my grandmother loved nothing more in life (other than her family) then to travel. All we had to say was “I’d like to go to ____” and my grandmother would jump onto her computer, go to her favourites tab and pull up the site to look for flights. It was her go-to, hands-down.
My 2018 Travel Wishlist
I’ve decided I want to see more of this beautiful world. I of course have my favourites, and over the years we have been lucky enough to travel to all sorts of destinations. Being that I recently did my crystal intention setting for the year, I decided to give to the universe my ultimate wishlist for 2018. Let’s see if we can’t bring you all along to these incredible destinations as we continue to explore the sights, sounds and flavours around the globe. Because, after all, to travel is to live they say. Continue reading “My 2018 Travel Wishlist”