Lifestyle | OBEY Clothing

I love the idea of fashion as a lifestyle in the fact that you can pick and choose your clothing to best suit who you are. Take me for example, I switch my clothes to adapt to my day to day.  I work a 9-5 job and then lead the life of a blogger from 5-whatever it takes. I require a vast wardrobe to keep up with my busy life and schedule. That and of course to look good while doing it. I am after all the other half of FASHIONIGHTS.

Kind of like the idea of a paper doll (thank you Amanda for the amazing graphic above!) one of my favourite switches and addition to my personal paper doll closet is the iconic OBEY clothing. Let me tell you why adding their brand to your personal lifestyle is a great idea and how you can do it today. Continue reading “Lifestyle | OBEY Clothing”

Food & Wine | & You

For the majority of us, life is full of to do lists, chores and errands that take up our energy and time. Not to mention work, family & friends, we also have to find the time to be inspired to cook delicious and nutritious meals at home after it all. Some days are easier then others, and sometimes we succumb to the inevitable take out because it is just too easy. I have written about other brands and companies that try to solve that problem of inspiration and convenience in the kitchen by bringing everything you need to the door. Recently I was asked to try out, a delivery system that brings pre-portioned fresh ingredients and delicious recipes to you. Let me tell you about my experience and why those of you living in the city of Toronto need to try it out as well. Continue reading “Food & Wine | & You”

Family Lifestyle | The Day My Butt Went Psycho!

Ok, so I can clearly remember when I was pregnant, thinking to myself that I would NOT let my child sit in front of the tv… ya.. that didn’t last. I have no shame in admitting that the tv is always on in my house. Sometimes it’s just background noise, and sometimes it’s being stared at intently, like when Big Big Friend, or Mike The Knight is on. I’ve come to love (and loathe, can anyone say Caillou?) some shows, and know that as Lyric gets older, the shows will evolve with him. Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | The Day My Butt Went Psycho!”

Health & Nutrition | Green & Black’s | Ew, I Don’t Like Chocolate… Said NO ONE EVER

Review by Catherine’s Cabinet

Since I started writing for DoTheDaniel, I’ve longed for the day when I can write about my favourite thing on earth.  No it’s not Kale, or Chia Seeds, or Quinoa or Ian Somerhalder (although those are all pretty up there on the list).  It’s CHOCOLATE.  Don’t worry, they won’t revoke my “Holistic Nutritionist Membership Card”, it can still be healthy when done right!

Continue reading “Health & Nutrition | Green & Black’s | Ew, I Don’t Like Chocolate… Said NO ONE EVER”