Family Lifestyle | Kandoo – Wash Your Hands!

Now that summer is in full force, I find myself saying a gazillion times a day, “wash your hands!”. Lyric is constantly getting into something messy; playing at the park, picking/planting flowers, practicing his ninja moves on the grass, sidewalk chalk… the list could go on and on. Please don’t mistake this for complaining, I would rather this, 1000 times more than, “where are your mitts?” “don’t forget your hat!” “be sure you’re wearing 14 pairs of socks?”! Am I right, Canada? So finding the perfect soap is a must! This is where Kandoo comes to the rescue! Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | Kandoo – Wash Your Hands!”

Family Lifestyle | Montreal

This is Lyric’s first “summer break”, and also the first time I realized just how much he TALKS, and how LONG a day can be! haha! So, we decided that maybe a change of scenery and a change of pace was just what we needed. I didn’t want to waste an entire day driving somewhere so we decided on a fun little weekend away to Montreal. With only being about 2 hours away, it was the perfect destination for us.

Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | Montreal”

Family Lifestyle | #GloriousMesses

If there’s one thing Lyric can do completely independently, it’s make a mess. With being a 4 year old boy, it’s not only expected but at times I revel in it. It’s a joy to watch his imagination take over and see what he creates. But what comes along with messes? Yep, cleaning it all up. Now that part, I don’t enjoy so much! We recently received a box FULL of fun crafts and activities to do, and because Green Works thinks of everything, all the necessary products to clean up the mess! Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | #GloriousMesses”