One Of The Best Decisions I’ve Made All Year

I love living in Toronto.

It is a city that feeds my need for excitement. It’s where I met the man of my dreams. It’s the city that I built and now run a successful business. But there is one thing about the city that has always bothered me… finding someone I can trust with my hair. Now, that is not a statement to say there aren’t talented stylists in the city. The problem is that there are SO many, and it is difficult to know where to turn to. As someone who has had a LOT of hairstyles (yes, I am sharing photographic evidence in this post) I need to know my stylist is someone I can trust with the cut and colour. Especially with the fact that I am currently a blonde with naturally dry and curly brown hair, if you mess up my hair – it shows. Thankfully all of my woes are now over and I have found the best spot in the city, with one of the best stylists I have met in a very long time. So let’s talk about RADFORD and why they are our choice amongst a sea of choices.  Continue reading “One Of The Best Decisions I’ve Made All Year”

A Simple Switch In Perspective

I like to think I’ve been pretty honest with you all about my daily life. From the events and adventures we bring you along with on Instagram Stories, to the blog posts we passionately write to help bring you brands and experiences we love, running #DoTheDaniel with Catherine has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. But it can of course take its toll on my sleeping habits, not to mention my ability to look and feel my best. Though I have opened up about my BOTOX journey, I have kept one of my best kept secrets hidden – but it’s time to tell you about it and how I am working to feel better every single day.  Continue reading “A Simple Switch In Perspective”

5 Ways I Take Care of Myself When Travelling

Have you ever stopped to think about what work-life balance really means? It’s one of those buzz terms that is thrown around a lot, but I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it in respect to my own life as much as those of the people around me. And what about those people, who like me, have to travel for work. Is it even possible? I wanted to take a moment to share with you, five ways that I take care of myself when travelling that have actually helped me find a bit of balance again. I’ve really enjoyed spending time in different places but because I’m working, I don’t have the opportunity to really explore the country or city that I am in. So, I’ve been thinking about possibly spending a few months in some of the places that I’ve been too. To help me make the right decision, I’m going to use for the relevant help and information. And trust me when I say, as someone who needs balance (insert Libra joke here) in his life, that they actually work!

Continue reading “5 Ways I Take Care of Myself When Travelling”

A Letter to my Twenty Year Old Self

By now you’ve come to realize that I have many moments of inspiration. They usually hit me at random times in my life when I need them the most. And if this is your first time reading my blog posts (where have you been?) get ready for a truth bomb. I wanted to take a minute to write an open letter to my twenty year old self about the things I wish I had known earlier. Because hindsight is important, but it’s also never too late to learn a new lesson or two from it.  Continue reading “A Letter to my Twenty Year Old Self”