Family Lifestyle | Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy

Here in Ontario, today we’re celebrating Family Day! And what better way to celebrate than to tell you about the latest family Disney show! Disney on Ice is coming to your town, and it’s a show you don’t want to miss! After taking Lyric to see Disney Live, I knew I HAD to take him to this! Rev up for non-stop fun with four of your favourite Disney stories when Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy!

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Family Lifestyle | Hair Everywhere!

Do you still have World Cup fever? Ever notice the soccer player’s hair styles and think why doesn’t mine look like that, or HOW did they do that? Well let me just say, it’s not as easy as you’d think! One of the things I get asked about the most and gets noticed the most is Lyric’s hair. Women are jealous of his spiral curls, men think his ‘fro “awesome”. Lyric has now started to ask for a pony tail if he’s not in the mood to let me “do” his hair, but mostly, I just let it go wild! Now, back to the World Cup hair… Schwarzkopf Professional was challenged to match a product with a unique soccer look, and then I thought it would be fun to try and match those looks with the corresponding products! Can you say FUN!? When I showed Lyric the looks and told him we were going to try it with his hair, he was surprisingly excited! So… our first attempt was his favourite, the ‘fro!

Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | Hair Everywhere!”

Family Lifestyle | The Day My Butt Went Psycho!

Ok, so I can clearly remember when I was pregnant, thinking to myself that I would NOT let my child sit in front of the tv… ya.. that didn’t last. I have no shame in admitting that the tv is always on in my house. Sometimes it’s just background noise, and sometimes it’s being stared at intently, like when Big Big Friend, or Mike The Knight is on. I’ve come to love (and loathe, can anyone say Caillou?) some shows, and know that as Lyric gets older, the shows will evolve with him. Continue reading “Family Lifestyle | The Day My Butt Went Psycho!”