Sweater Weather #Goals

As the weather starts to cool off I am realizing that not only do I need more blazers and dress clothes for the fall months, but sweater weather is upon us. Trying to explore my fashion horizons I have done my best to find new brands and labels to add to my wardrobe. Newly obsessed with Minimum I wanted to share the items from their AW19 collection that I simply have to have and how you can get them too!

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Finding My Fall Must Haves

As October slowly wraps itself around me like all the warm sweaters and blankets I am excited to be able to cozy up with, it’s time to start talking about my absolute FAVOURITE wardrobe season. The autumn is here and with it comes beautiful layers, button up shirts with a bit of flare to express myself at the office, and some must have items that I simply have to have to look and feel my best.

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Go Ahead and Break The Rules. I dare you.

I’ve never been one to follow trends or fall in line. My mom stills tells the story of me in kindergarten being put in time out to think about what I did. When the teacher turned back around from the chalk board, I was back in circle time. When she asked me why I wasn’t in the corner, I promptly replied “You told me to think about what I did. And I’m done with that now.”

Guess she got a preview of the man I would become one day. Self-assured, but always a little bit of a charismatic rebel. It’s why my fashion choices (albeit usually pre-approved by my fashion blogging husband) have been a way to express myself and break the rules as well. This summer, my must have wardrobe items might just surprise you.

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When It Just Feels Right

I like to think that life happens to us in exactly the way we need it to in order to be our best selves. Now, that sometimes is going to mean a rough road, but when you get to the end of it you are so much wiser for having walked it. Amid a crazy 2019 and lots of changes in my life personally and professionally, I have come to trust my instincts a little more. When I feel the necessity to take a day off to recharge, I do it. When I need to speak my truth, I no longer worry if it’s the right decision or not. And when I love brand and it feels right to support them, I do so proudly.

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