A New Union Station… With Carbs

Growing up, I knew Union Station as an iconic hub of commuting in Toronto. Being from a small town in Niagara, we didn’t have anything comparable, unless you want to count the local bus terminal? To come to Toronto, I would take the GO train from Burlington, to Union, and that’s all I knew it as. When I began University in Toronto, it became less overwhelming, and of more value to me as I’m constantly commuting in and out of downtown for concerts and events. Continue reading “A New Union Station… With Carbs”

From A Sleepless Nightmare, To Living The Dream

Being a full time University student is difficult. Between living expenses, managing multiple jobs, keeping up with readings, and staying active in the field of media – I often find myself so drained at the end of the day. Having such a busy lifestyle means that I need to maintain the balance of a healthy lifestyle, as well. Because I’m so busy, I have difficulty making time for fitness. So it’s very important to me, that at the very least I can eat healthy, and rest properly.

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I Found the BEST Caesar in Toronto

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing great! After having all of these Caesars, I know I definitely am. So, there have been a variety of articles done about the best Caesars in Toronto. However, I’m here to count down to the best one in Toronto, with a fancy ranking system and all (okay, not really so fancy). But before we begin, I wanna make it clear that every drink in this list is pretty fantastic and I encourage everyone to try them all but… there is a winner.

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