When it comes to (Canadian) Thanksgiving and the fall season, I am often reminded that it’s time to focus on the things I do have and not that which I don’t. I have my health. I have an amazing job. I have a blog and online presence that I love creating content for. I have a loving spouse. I have my health. I have family that loves me. And I’ve got lots of reasons to smile this season. In hopes of spreading some love and positivity into the world I thought I’d share some thing to be thankful for.
There is nothing better than good food, good friends, and some memorable moments. Especially as the weather gets colder and the nights get a little longer. I’m holding on to sweater weather and coats outside on a patio for as long as I possibly can. If you’re like me, you’ll be just as inspired by my friends at RISE Kombucha who recently hosted an event in Toronto to #RISEyourGlass this season and the next.

I’m grateful for the inspiration. I’m grateful for good kombucha. AND I’m grateful for a good cocktail recipe below.

For those of you inspired to be thankful and #RISEyourGlass this season, make sure to follow and tag @RISEkombucha on social media. I can’t wait to see what you’re grateful to have and enjoy in your lives!
For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands I’m working with around the world, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account. I’d love to have you join on the adventures.
Photos: Daniel Reyes, George Pimentel & All Social Media accounts listed above
Don’t forget to be kind & laugh a little more this year
Mobile photos were taken with my Mobile Device of choice on the Rogers network.
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