The Best Kept Secret REVEALED – How to Enjoy Pride Month in Toronto

It’s no secret that I am excited for Pride Month 2021 – I’ve done the virtual Pride thing once before and this year I’m ramping up to make it even more fabulous than last year. Looking into what June holds for us all, I thought it would be the perfect time to reveal one of my best kept secrets to enjoy Pride Month in Toronto. Yes, that’s right, I’m letting it all out this year and you might just be surprised to learn what this secret actually means for those of you looking to celebrate the best way I know how…. You ready?

Here it is: stop focusing on everyone else and celebrate the beautiful person you are. Gay, Straight, Ally, Non-Binary and every beautiful version of queer in between. Our community has been defined by what we are not for too long – it’s time to celebrate what and who we are. So I’m gonna grab my wigs, I’m gonna put on my short shorts, and I’m gonna be the gayest proudest version of myself this year. Because the world is more beautiful when I embrace myself in every aspect.

How do I plan on doing that? You’ll have seen that Julio and I recently got a preview of Fairmont Royal York and the plan they have in place for their #Pride themed cocktails at Clockwork Toronto. For those of you wanting to enjoy some of the best drink in the city – be in with a much needed stay at the hotel or at home – this is the experience you all need in your life.

While I know we are all excited for patios to re-open, I’ve learned to not get too excited for things. Instead I am going to focus on what I can do this Pride Month. I can encourage you all to book the The Pride Staycation Package which this year is called Love is Love: it includes 15% discount on room rate, room amenity (cocktails and French macarons), and guests can donate to The 519 charity.

I can recommend that you all order your Pride Cocktail including the upcoming Sashay Sangria which Julio will be sharing more information on coming this week – and HIGHLY recommend the Popstar Cocktail which is like cotton candy in a convenient can that you can enjoy all Pride Month long. A a premium ready-to-drink beverage which includes ingredients like Ciroc Peach Vodka, Natural Vanilla, and San Pellegrino.

I can remind you that no matter what you can’t do this Pride, there are so many things you can do and control. I hope that you all treat yourself with a bit more love and kindness. In fact, why not just treat yourself for being you? I know many of you are anxious about the current state of the world, and that can make it hard to feel like celebrating. Anxiety and depression affect our community harshly, but no matter what your plans are for Pride, let’s just all remember that the community is stronger together. We may not be able to gather, but we can still have fun at home. And if you are struggling with depression in these trying times, please seek help. Even if you try some self-help, like CBD oil to calm your anxiety, it’s better than doing nothing. CBD is now widely available in pharmacies and health shops and it comes in many forms like capsules and gels. There are cons of using capsules over other forms of CBD, but they may work better for you than things like oil, so just try a few things out to see what helps and what doesn’t. Remember to also ask for support from the community when you need it. The divisive and judgmental energy are things of the past, and now more than ever we need to shine all the colours of the rainbow as bright as we can.

Join in on the social media conversation with us by following @FairmontRoyalYork on Instagram, @FairmontRYH on Twitter and by ‘Following’ their Facebook Page. Share your #PrideMonth and #PrideToronto memories and tag your moments with the hotel and CLOCKWORK all month long. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

This post is not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages. Please remember to enjoy responsibly and never drink and drive.

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Photos: Daniel Reyes & All Social Media accounts listed above

Don’t forget to be kind & laugh a little more this year, and the next!

Daniel Reyes

Mobile photos were taken with my Google Device of choice on the Rogers network.

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